6/4: Lecture Slides 3 + 4 + 5 Notes | Knowt (2024)

Lecture Slides 3 - The New Genetics

  • The New Genetics

    • Lesson from Genetics

      • Genes affect everything

      • Nurture always matters

      • Gene expression depends partly on the social context as a person develops

      • Genome provides gene instructions that create individual, species-specific membership

    • A Quick Review

      • All living things are composed of cells

      • Each cell manufactures certain proteins according to a code of instructions stored by molecules of DNA

      • Coding DNA molecules are on a chromosome

  • The Genetic Code

    • All living things are composed of cells that promote growth and sustain life according to instructions in their molecules of DNA

      • DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

        • Molecule that contains the chemical instructions for cells to manufacture various proteins

        • Promotes growth and sustains life

    • Chromosomes

      • Molecules of DNA

      • Consists of 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs

    • 46 to 21,000 to 3 billion

      • 23 chromosome pairs (46) organized into genes

      • 21,000 genes direct specific protein formation from 20 amino acids

      • 3 billion base pairs of four chemicals

  • How Proteins Are Made

    • 6/4: Lecture Slides 3 + 4 + 5 Notes | Knowt (1)

  • The Genetic Code

    • Difference begin with genes

      • Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) gene

        • 2, 3, or more versions

        • May be inconsequential or destructive

    • Same and Different Allele

      • Variation that makes a gene different in some way from other genes for the same characteristic

      • Many genes never vary; others have several possible alleles

    • Genome

      • Involves the full set of genes that are the instructions to make an individual member of a certain species

  • Beyond the Genes

    • Methylation

      • RNA and DNA alter genetic instructions in a variety of ways

      • RNA regulates and transcribes genetic instructions, turning some genes and alleles on or off

    • Epigenetics

      • Study of how environmental factors affect genes and genetic expression

  • The Genetic Code

    • Genetic Diversity

      • Distinguishes each person

      • Allows the human species to adapt to the pressures of the environment

  • Beyond the Genes

    • Microbiome

      • All of the microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, archaea, yeasts) living within every part of the body (“germs”)

  • Sibling Differences

    • Gametes: reproductive cells consisting of 23 chromosomes

    • Zygote: two gametes combine and produce a new individual with 23 chromosomes from each parent

    • Copy Number Variations

      • Genes with various repeats or detections of base pairs

      • May be inconsequential, lethal, or something in between

  • Matching Genes and Chromosomes

    • Humans usually possess 46 chromosomes

      • 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes

        • hom*ozygous, Heterozygous

      • Sex Chromosomes

        • Female: XX

        • Males: XY

    • Sex of offspring depends on whether the father’s Y sperm or X sperm fertilizes the ovum

  • Determining a Zygote’s Sex

    • 6/4: Lecture Slides 3 + 4 + 5 Notes | Knowt (2)

  • Male-Female Variations

    • Partial gene deactivation

      • Happens when ½ of a gene pair switches off completely, possibly causing a problem if the remaining gene is destructive

      • Parental imprinting

  • Uncertain Sex

    • Ambiguous Genitals: child’s sex is not abundantly clear

  • Opposing Perspective: TOO MANY BOYS?

    • Preference for boys in many areas of the world

    • Ways to prevent female birth

      • Inactivating X sperm before conception

      • In vitro fertilization (IVF)

      • Aborting XX or XY fetuses

  • New Cells, New People

    • Duplication and division begins within hours after conception

    • 23 pairs of chromosomes carrying all the genes duplicate, forming 2 complete sets of the genome

    • 2 sets move toward opposite sides of the zygote, and the single cell splits neatly down the middle into 2 cells, each containing the original genetic code

    • 2 cells duplicate and divide, becoming 4, which then duplicate and divide, becoming 8, and so on

  • First Stages of the Germinal Period

    • Original Zygote divides into two cells, four cells, and eight cells

    • Occasionally, the cells separate completely forming the beginning of monozygotic twins, quadruplets, or octuplets

  • New Cells, New People

    • At Birth

      • Zygote becomes 10 trillion cells with each carrying a complete copy of genetic instructions

  • Stem Cells

    • Result from early duplication and division

    • Able to produce any other cell

  • Placenta

    • Allows early genetic testing


    • Developed to edit genes; forbidden for humans

  • Assisted Reproduction

    • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

      • Sperm mixed with surgically removed ova and implanted (zygote) into woman’s uterus

      • Legal restrictions exist in some countries

  • Twins and More

Monozygotic Twins (MZ/identical)

Dizygotic Twins (DZ/fraternal)

  • Originate from one zygote that splits apart very early in development

  • Incomplete split results in conjoined twins

  • Same genotype with slight variations in phenotype are possible due to environmental influences

  • Result from fertilization of 2 separate ova by 2 separate sperm

  • Dizygotic twins have half their genes in common and occur twice as often as monozygotic twins

  • Incidence is genetic and varies by ethnicity and age

  • From Genotype to Phenotype

    • Phenotype: observable characteristics of an organism, including appearance, personality, intelligence, and all other traits

    • Polygenic: trait influenced by many genes

    • Multifactorial: trait affected by many factors, genetic and environmental, that enhance, halt, shape, or alter the expression of genes, resulting in a phenotype that may differ markedly from the genotype

  • Gene - Gene Interactions

    • Heredity (Additive, Dominant-Recessive)

    • Mother to Son (X-Linked)

  • Nature and Nurture

  • Chromosomal and Genetic Problems

    • Why study conditions caused by extra chromosomes or single destructive genes?

      • Provide insight into the complexities of nature and nurture

      • Knowing their origins helps limit their effects

      • Information combats prejudice: difference is not always deficit

    • Spontaneous Mutations

      • Involved in many genetic and chromosomal problems, cannot be predicted in advance, and are not likely to reappear in future embryos

      • Influenced by age of mother (over 35) and father (over 40)

      • May be helpful, harmful, or harmless

    • Not exactly 46: Survival

      • 99% of surviving fetuses have 46 chromosomes

      • For remaining 1%, only 1 newborn in 166 births survives with 45, 47, or rarely, 48 or 49 chromosomes

      • Survival is more common if only some cells have 47 chromosomes and other have 46 (mosaicism)

    • Down Syndrome

      • Called trisomy-21 because the person has 3 copies of chromosome 21

      • Involves around 300 distinct characteristics from 3rd chromosome; unique individuals

    • Dominant Disorders

      • 7,000 known single-gene disorders are dominant

      • Evident to phenotype

      • Rare because people rarely live long enough to reproduce

    • Exceptions

      • Huntington Disease: Fatal CNS disorder caused by genetic miscode of more than 35 repetitions of particular triplet

      • Rare type of early-onset (before 60) Alzheimer disease

    • Recessive Disorders

      • Millions of different types, lethal conditions are rare

      • Several types are sexlinked

    • Sickle-cell Trait

      • Offers some protection against malaria

      • African carriers are more likely than noncarriers to survive

    • Fragile X Syndrome

      • Caused by more than 200 repetitions of one triplet on one gene

      • Most common form of inherited mental retardation

    • Cystic Fibrosis

      • More common among people with northern European ancestors

      • Carriers may have been protected against cholera

  • Genetic Counseling and Testing

    • Genetic Testing: creates cha;;enges and opportunities

      • Misinformation is especially destructive with psychological disorders

      • Prenatal genetic testing isn’t advocated by many scientists

    • Genetic Counseling: help parents understand genetic risks

Lecture Slides 4 - Prenatal Development and Birth

  • Prenatal Growth

    • 3 Main Periods: Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal

    • Can you define these terms related to timing and technology?

      • Beginning of pregnancy

      • Length of pregnancy

      • Trimesters

      • Due Date

  • Vulnerability During Prenatal Development

Germinal Period (First 14 Days)

Embryonic Period (3rd - 8th Week)

  • About half of all conceptions fail to grow or implant properly and thus don’t survive the germinal period

  • Most of these organisms are grossly abnormal

  • Abput 20% of all embryos are aborted spontaneously

  • Most often because of chromosomal abnormalities

Fetal Period (9th to Birth Week)


  • 5% of all fetuses are aborted spontaneously before biability at 22 weeks or are stubborn

  • 31% of all zygotes grow and survive to become living newborn babies

  • Germinal Period: First 14 Days

    • Zygote begins duplication and division within hours of conception

      • Development of the placenta

      • Implantation (about 10 days after conception)

      • Organism grows rapidly

  • Embryonic Period: Third through Eighth Week

    • Embryo

      • Primitive streak becomes the neural tube and later forms the brain and spine of the CNS

      • Head takes shape

      • Eyes, ears, nose, and mouth form

      • Heart begins to pulsate

      • Extremities develop and webbed fingers and toes separate

  • Fetus: Ninth Week Until Birth

    • Third Month

      • Rapid Growth with considerable variation

      • Average: 3 months; 3 ounces; 3 inches

      • 9th Week: SRY gene triggers development of sex organs

      • 3rd Month: Neurological sex differences begin

  • Fetus: The Middle 3 Months

    • Middle 3 Months

      • Digestive and excretory system develop

      • Fingernails, toenails, and buds for teeth form, and hair + eyelashes grows

    • Age of Viability

      • Age at which a preterm newborn may survive outside the mother’s uterus if medical care is available

      • About 22 weeks after conception

      • Brian is able to regulate basic body functions

    • Brain

      • Experiences rapid growth

      • Follows proximodistal sequence from brainstem to midbrain, to cortex

      • Develops many new neurons (neurogenesis) and synapses (synaptogenesis)

      • Begins to regulate basic bodily functions as entire CNS becomes responsive

  • Fetus: The FInal Three Months

    • Last Three Months

      • Involves expansion and contraction of lungs

      • Includes final maturation of heart valves, arteries, and veins

      • Provides time for extensive growth and folding in cortex

  • Birth

    • Fetal Brain signals the release of hormones to trigger the female’s uterine muscles

      • Labor Begins

        • Average duration for firstborn babies: 12 hours

        • Quicker labor for later-born babies

      • Birthing Positions Vary

        • Sitting, squatting, lying down, water births

        • Cultural and personal preference

    • Most births occur in hospitals

  • Newborn’s first Minutes


Apgar Scales

  • Usually cry spontaneously

  • Color changes from bluish to pinkish

  • Eyes open, fingers grab, toes stretch

  • Newborn mortality is 1 in 250 in the United States

  • Quick assessment of newborn’s heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, color, and reflexes

  • Completed twice

  • Score of 0, 1, or 2 in each category

  • Desired Score: 7 or above

  • Criteria and Scoring of the Apgar Scale




Reflex Irritability

Muscle Tone

Respiratory Effort

Blue, Pale


No response

Flaccid, limp



Body pink, extremities blue

Slow (below 100)


Weak, inactive

Irregular, slow


Entirely pink

Rapid (over 100)

Coughing, Sneezing, Crying

Strong, Active

Good; Baby is Crying

  • Medical Assistance

    • Characteristics of childbirth depend on several variables, inluding support and encouragement during labor

      • Fathor or other relatives

      • Doula

      • Midwife

      • Medical Professional

    • Surgery

      • Cesareans (c-section):

        • Controversial and involve surgical birth

        • Vary by rates and reasons for use

        • Presnrt advantages for hospitals; more complications after birth; less beneficial bacteria in microbiome

      • C-section Rate:

        • Medically indicated about 15% worldwide (WHO)

        • Rates vary: China/50%; US/34%

    • Drugs are usually part of a US birth process:

      • Epidural

      • Induced labor (pitocin)

    • Newborn Survival:

      • 1 in 70 die worldwide; higher in poor nations

      • 1 in 250 die in US, 40 nations have better rate!

  • Alternatives to Hospital Tech

    • Place of Birth

      • Hospital labor room

      • Birthing Centers

      • Home

    • Home Births

      • Planned home births are more common in many developed countries

      • Almost all babies are born at home in poorer nations

      • Some research indicates home births entail risks for the baby; every study finds benefits for the mother

  • Problems and Solutions

    • Harmful Substances

      • Teratogen

      • Behavioral Teratogens

      • Prenatal Teratogens

  • Risk Analysis Factors

    • Risks analysis discerns which chances are worth taking and how risks are minimized

      • Critical Time

      • Does and/or frequency of exposure (threshold effect)

      • Innate Vulnerability

      • Teratology

  • Risk Analysis: The Critical Time

    • Threshold Effect

      • Certain teratogens are relatively harmless until xposure reaches a certain level

      • Thresholds are controversial

    • Example: Alcohol Consumption

      • Embryo exposed to heavy drinking can develop fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

        • FAS: more apparent when women are poorly nourished and cigarette smokers

  • Risk Analysis: Innate Vulnerability

    • Innate Vulnerability

      • Some zygotes carry genes that make then vulnerable

      • Male fetuses are more vulnerable to teratogens than female fetuses

      • Mother’s genes affect the prenatal environment she provides

      • Neural-tube defects are more common in certain ethnic groups

  • Conflicting Advice

Advice from Doctors

Advice from Scientists

  • Problems

    • Provision of potentially dangerous prescriptions for pregnant women

    • Failure to take time to understand a woman’s life patterns

  • Problems

    • Provision of contradictory interpretation of research that led to opposite message

  • Internet site usage

    • Many internet sites provide inadequate or incorrect information about drug safety

  • What do we know?

    • Prenatal teratogens can cause:

      • Structural problems during embryonic period and several diseases throughout pregnancy

      • Behavioral problems and reproductive impairment later in life

    • Social Response to Evidence is Controversial

  • Prenatal Diagnosis

    • Early prenatal care

      • Protect fetal growth

      • Make birth easier

      • Render parents better able to cope

    • Early pregnancy detection

      • Provides early recognition of potential problems

      • Raises anxiety

      • Presents false positives

  • Low Birthweight

    • Low birth weight (LBW)

      • Less than 2,500 grams at birth

    • Very low birthweight (VLBW)

      • Under 1,500 grams at birth

    • Extremely low birthweight (ELBW)

      • Under 1,000 grams at birth

    • Preterm

      • Birth that occurs at 35 or fewer weeks after conception

      • Usually associated with low birthweight

    • Small gestational Age (SGA)

      • Birthweight is significantly lower than expected, given the time since conception

  • Low Birthweight and the Mother

Maternal Behavior

Father’s Behavior

  • Maternal health and illness

  • Maternal drug use before and during pregnancy

  • Father’s attitude

  • Relationship between mother and father

  • Immigrant paradox

  • Consequences of Low Birthweight

    • High risk infacts and children

      • Later to smile, to hold a bottle, to walk, and to communicate

    • Middle childhood, formerly SGA children

      • Have smaller brain volume

  • Comparing Nations

    • Fewer low-birthweight babies than two decades ago (less malnutrition); better mortality statustics

    • Rising LBW in sub-Saharan Africa due to global warming, HIV, food shortages, wars, and other problems

    • Overall lower, but differential LBW in US

  • Complications During Birth

    • Rarely have single cause

    • Cerebral palsy

      • Genetic sensitivity, teratogens, maternal infection, birth complications

    • Anoxia

  • The New Family: The Newborn

    • Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)

      • Test is often administered to newborns

      • Measures responsiveness and records 46 behaviors, including 20 reflexes

      • Parents who watch their infant perform on the NBAS are amazed at the newborn’s responses

    • Newborns seek to protect themselves with three sets of reflexes

      • Maintaining Oxygen: Breathing, Hiccuping, Sneezing

      • Maintaining Constant Body Temperature: Crying, Shivering, Tucking legs to body, Pushing

      • Managing Feeding: Sucking, Rooting, Swallowing

    • Other reflexes are not necessary for survival but signify the state of brain and body functions

      • Babinski Reflex

      • Stepping Reflex

      • Palmar Grasping Reflex

      • Moro Reflex

  • New Mothers

    • About half of all women experience physical problems after birth

    • Between 8% and 15% of women experience postpartum depression

      • Feelings of sadness and inadequacy

      • Symptoms from baby blues to postpartum psychosis

      • May involve struggles with adequate baby care

      • Varied causes

  • New Fathers

    • Fathers Role: Being there

      • Helping mother stay healthy

      • Helping mother manage stress

      • Providing Legal acceptance

    • Couvade

      • Symptoms of pregnancy and birth experience by fathers

      • May not allow themselves to be stressed

  • Parental Alliance

    • Involves commitment by both parents to cooperate in raising the child

    • Especially beneficial when infant is physically vulnerable

  • Family Bonding

    • Parent-Infant Bond

      • Bonding involves strong, loving connection that forms as parents hold, examine, and feed the newborn

      • Kangaroo Care

      • Early skin-to-skin contact isn’t essential for human bonding

Lecture Slides 5 - The first two years: Biosocial Development

  • Body Changes

    • To Year 1

      • Birthweight doubles by the fourth month and triples by 1 year; there is a substantial variation

      • Typical newborn grows 10 inches by 1

      • Average at birth: weight 7 pounds; length 20 in

    • From Y! To Y2

      • Physical growth slows

      • At age 2, ½ adult height; ⅕ adult weight

  • Body Changes

    • Norms: defined standards of typical performance

      • Represent average measurements; individuals vary

    • Percentile: indicates rank compared to other similar people of the same age

      • Range from 0 - 100

  • Weight by Gender

    • Boys typically weight more than girls

  • Body Changes

    • Patterns of infant sleep

      • Newborns average 15-17 hours a day

      • Over the early weeks, REM sleep and traditional sleep declines rapidly

      • Slow-wave sleep increases

      • Individual differences due to maturation, genes, and environment

      • Caregiver response to infant behavior during sleep hours also impacts sleep patterns

      • Insufficient sleep may be a problem for parents and infant

  • Co-Sleeping and Bed-Sharing

    • Asian, Latin American, and African mothers worry more about separation

    • European and North American mothers worry more about privacy and sex

    • Cohort Differences

      • Pros:

        • Quick Response Time

        • Related to Increased Response Attatchment

      • Cons:

        • Higher SIDS risks

        • Later sleep pattern problems

  • Body Changes

    • Brain Development

      • Brain is the fastest growing organ

      • Brain growth affects later cognition

      • Head-sparing occurs when body is physically challenged

  • Connections in the Brain

    • Neuron

      • One of billions of nerve cells in the central nervous system (CNS)

      • Communication within CNS begins with neurons

      • Most neurons are created before birth, at a peak production rate of 250,000 new cells per minute in mid-pregnancy

      • In infancy, human brain has billions of neurons

  • Connecting

    • The color staining on this photo makes it obvious that the two cell videos of neurons (stained chartreuse) grow axons and dendrites to each other’s neurons

    • Tangle is repeated thousands of times in every human brain

    • Throughout life, those fragile dendrites will grow or disappear as the person continues thinking

  • Basic Terms of Neurological Development

    • Axon: fiber that extends from a neuron and transmits electrochemical impulses from that neuron to the dendritres of other neurons

    • Dendrite: fiber that extends from a neuron and receives electrochemical impulses transmitted from other neurons via their axons

    • Synapse: intersection between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of other neurons

    • Neurotransmitter: brain chemical that carries information from the axon of a sending neuron to the dendrites of a receiving neuron

    • Myelin: axon coating that speeds neuron transmission

    • Cortex: outer layers of the brain where most thinking, feeding, and sensing occurs

    • Prefrontal Cortex: area of the cortex at the very front of the brain that specializes in anticipation, planning, and impulse control.

    • Limbic System: brain parts that interact to produce emotions, including amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus

    • Hippocampus: central processor of memory, especially memory for locations

    • Hypothalamus: responds to amygdala and hippocampus to produce hormones that activate other parts of brain and body

    • Cortisol: primary stress hormone whose fluctuations affect human emotions

    • Pituitary: responds to signal from hypothalamus by hormone production

  • Brain Development

    • Exuberance and Pruning

      • Brain contains great excess of neurons at birth

      • Newborn brain has fewer dendrites, axons, and synapses and much less myelin than an adult brain

      • Great but temporary increase in the number of dendrites develop in an infant’s brain during the first two years of life )transient exuberance)

      • Unused dendrites whither postnatally to allow space between neurons in the brain, allowing more synapses and thus more complex thinking

  • Experience Shapes the Brain

    • Necessary and Possible Experiences (Greenough and Colleagues)

      • Experience-expectant brain function

      • Experience-dependent brain function

Examples from Language Development Studies

Examples from Bird Brains

  • Human babies learn language much like birds learn songs

  • Adults talk and baby brains expect a culturally specific language

  • Bird inherit genes that produce the brain cells they need to learn new songs or find hidden seeds

  • For the dendrites and neurons to connect, birds depend on specific experiences with song-learning or seed-finding.

  • Face Recognition

    • Fusiform Face Area of Brain

      • Makes newborn infant adept at face recognition

    • Experiences

      • Refine face perception and trigger immediate recognition

    • Own-race effect

      • Apparent before first birthday and persists throughout life

  • Harming the Infant Brain

    • Necessary Stimulation

      • Playing, allowing varied sensations, and encouraging movement are necessary for brain connections

    • Stress and the Brain

      • Overabundance of stress hormones damages later brain functioning

    • Severe Social Deprivation

      • Anecdotal evidence with human children and research with other mammals confirms that isolation and sensory deprivation harm the developing brain

    • Intervention

      • Shaken baby syndrome is a life-threatening injury that occurs when an infant is forcefully shaken back and forth

      • Motion ruptures blood vessels in the brain and breaks neural connections

  • Perceiving and Moving: The Senses

    • Sensory Development

      • Typically precedes intellectual and motor development

    • Sensation

      • Response of a sensory system when it detects a stimulus

    • Perception

      • Mental processing of sensory information when the brain interprets a sensation

  • From Sound to Language

    • Hearing occurs in the temporal lobe, in both hemispheres.

    • Language comprehension occurs mostly in the left hemisphere that responds to known words, and Broca’s area that produces speech.

6/4: Lecture Slides 3 + 4 + 5 Notes | Knowt (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.