A Starting Place: Unnamed VSB Elementary School Library

John Oliver Secondary The Learning Commons


A PRO·ACTIVE MODEL FOR EDUCATIONAL CHANGE M. Ekdahl and S. Zubke, Editors Vancouver School District #39 Elementary and Secondary Teacher‐Librarians BC Contributors: Teacher‐librarians School Districts #8, 23, 36, 39, 57, 73

Today’s students learn in a dynamic world where information changes and expands as fast as technological innovation. As information grows exponentially in multiple formats, learners are challenged to think critically, search effectively, construct meaning and learning products ethically, and choose from amongst a vast array of resources, tools, and services in order to create possibilities for shaping and sharing new knowledge. — American Association of School Librarians School library programs continue to undergo momentous changes that have heightened the importance of technology and evidence-based learning. The focus ... has moved from the library as a confined space to one with fluid boundaries that is layered by diverse needs and influenced by an interactive global community. Guiding principles ... must focus on building a flexible learning environment with the goal of producing successful learners skilled in multiple literacies. — American Association of School Librarians






































Vancouver Elementary TLs:

Moira Ekdahl, John Oliver

Celia Brogan, Secord

Jann-Marie Forgeron, Magee

Karen Chow, Laurier Annex

Virginia Lam, Prince of Wales

Michele Farquharson, Kerrisdale

Stephanie Lemmon, Hamber

Sandra Hedley, Queen Mary

Hilary Montroy, Gladstone

Cheriee Weichel, Dickens

Joan Muir, Hamber

Alanna Wong, Laurier

Pat Parungao, Gladstone

Sylvia Zubke, Livingstone

Susan Pearson, Magee

Provincial Contributors: Martha Cameron, Surrey SD# 36 North Surrey Secondary Lisa Domeier de Suarez, Surrey SD#36 District Helping Teacher, Technology Sarah Guilmant-Smith, Surrey SD#36 District TL Helping Teacher Michelle Hall, Surrey SD #36 Johnson Heights Secondary Aaron Mueller, Saanich SD #73 Parkland Secondary Alan Smith, Central Okanagan SD #23 Kelowna Secondary

Yashoda Reddy, Thompson

Rhea Woolgar, Prince George SD #57 Kelly Road Secondary Jeff Yasinchuk, Kootenay Lake SD # 8 L.V. Rogers Secondary School

Document Reviewers: BC Teachers Federation: Charlie Naylor BC Teacher-Librarians Association: Executive and Members

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was undertaken over three years with release time provided by the Vancouver School District Teacher Inquiry initiative and further supported with release from the BC Teacher-Librarians’ Association. For their support and other contributions, on behalf of project participants, the editors would like to thank: VSB Associate Superintendents Dr Valerie Overgaard,(retired) and Maureen Ciarniello, for release time to support teacher-librarian collaboration and Teacher Inquiry. BCTF Executive Committee and the BCTLA: Heather Daly, President Bonnie McComb, Past President, Saanich Teacher-Librarians’ Association Jean Prevost, President, Saanich Teacher-Librarians’ Association Steven Cameron, Principal, University Hill Secondary School, Vancouver, who requested the checklist, as well as school-based and BC school district administrators and staff whose help has enabled the Library Learning Commons initiatives included in this document, including: Monica Berra, District Vice-Principal for Learning Commons, Prince George; Elisa Carlson, Director of Instruction, Surrey; and Gino Bondi, District Principal, Specialty Programs, Vancouver. Carol Koechlin and Dr David V. Loertscher for their inspirational and active leadership Dr Barbara Stripling, President, American Libraries Association: Inquiry-based Learning 4


Edited by Moira Ekdahl and Sylvia Zubke, Teacher-Librarians Vancouver School District #39 May 2014

This document summarizes the work, over three years, of two groups of Vancouver teacherlibrarians — one elementary and the other secondary — engaged in teacher inquiry. The inquiry groups have described, in both personal and professional terms, the continuum of change by which a school library becomes a Library Learning Commons in BC. They have been joined by voices of TLs throughout BC who have successfully undertaken similar initiatives. THE INQUIRY QUESTION: WHEN AND HOW DOES A SCHOOL LIBRARY BECOME A LIBRARY LEARNING COMMONS?

Presented at Treasure Mountain 3, Canadian Library Association Conference, Victoria, BC: May 30, 2014



Area to


WHAT IS A LIBRARY LEARNING COMMONS (LLC)? Several important themes underpin teaching and learning in the context of an LLC model:

i Begins within a responsive and dynamic school library program (see Appendix 1)


Technology has had a dramatic effect


Learning needs to be personal and meaningful

i Is dedicated to student-centred learning because successful learners are empowered citizens


Inquiry forms the basis for authentic and lifelong learning

i Has as its product or outcome enhanced student engagement and success


Collaboration is required of all learners, that is, amongst teacher-librarians, teachers, and students

i Requires funding as it represents a significant school and district investment of time, energy, resources, services, tools, and shared expertise


i Is a real and virtual space that is managed by the TL and that enables access to tools, resources, and services


A teacher-librarian (TL) with a vision for teaching and learning transformed by new possibilities (see Appendix 1)

i Provides access that is physical, virtual, intellectual, socio-economic, and equitable


A school community open to new ways of working together to enhance student learning

i Is a welcoming, safe, open, and supportive place that values mobility and flexibility of design both within the space and in the opportunities for learning


A shared valuing of opportunities for informed professional discourse

i Is unique in its attention to the particular learning needs of its educational community


Shared understanding about the role of a qualified teacher-librarian and the concepts that underpin the K-12 learning commons approach

i Is aligned with provincial, district, and school goals for curriculum and for 21st Century teaching and learning




A supportive administrator

i Is a never-ending project, always “in beta,” as new resources, ideas, and tools differently enable the learning





i Is embedded in a culture of collaboration


i Participates and encourages participation in the culture of the school i Engages in a collaborative, self-renewing, and recursive process guided by the professional expertise of the TL i Is a program that is grounded in shared understanding that meaningful and important educational change occurs when there is professional commitment to innovative practice and collaborative implementation of new designs for learning that are grounded in inquiry, creativity, and reading Embracing a Library Learning Commons model means being responsive to diverse needs; it requires shared vision and determination. Indeed, this is true of all inspired educational change: We must take the more vertiginous route that scales the heights of professional excellence and public democracy. For it is this truly challenging path that will lead us to the peaks of excellence and integrity in student learning and its resulting high levels of achievement (111). Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley What is clear is that, while every Library Learning Commons is a school library, not every school library or school library resource centre is ready to be called a Library Learning Commons.

Have an impact on teaching and learning in the school

In This Section

Be the hub of the school, centrally located, and open for class bookings


Enrich learning by providing the expertise in collaboratively designing and assessing learning and in promoting the love of reading


Work with teachers to co-design learning based on inquiry and to provide the contexts for creating new, original, and inspired content


Provide balanced, rich, diverse, current, and professionally curated collections of print and digital resources that support multiple literacies and BC curriculum


Support students and teachers with goals of integrating technology with teaching and learning and of increasing access to information with a 24/7 virtual learning commons


Support goals for learning that are based on current research, unique needs, and welldesigned, purposeful, and powerful intentions


Provide a learning environment that is welcoming, safe, and engaging, where the old sense of “hush” has been replaced by a new “hub” role and a constant “hum” of activity; it is a busy place with a “yes we can” attitude from opening to closing

If you set out to build a Library Learning Commons and it didn’t make a difference to the learning or have an impact on teaching, it is not a Learning Commons! Sylvia Zubke, Inquiry Conversations, May 2014 7



Use thisSpace with a clerk x Area to x ANALOGY Outline x Your Space created by PHYSICAL AND others. No prox Contents







School Library

School Library Resource Centre

Library Learning Commons

Shelves can’t be moved. No virtual presence. A room with books.

Shelves can be moved with effort. Library website is not well used. Multimedia texts are available.

Shelves and furniture can be easily moved. Multiple spaces for reading, collaborative or independent work, and virtual access 24/7.

Not used for teaching and learning. Not current or reliable.

Computers are located separately. They are not used for inquiry.

Some computers, often used for functional applications.

Technology and media are an intrinsic and integrated part of a dynamic and responsive teaching and learning program.

Limited supervision by a clerk, like a cafeteria. Often closed.

Classes are scheduled; library closed to others during class. Not all classes are scheduled. Collection shows lack of funding. Often closed.

Some flexible time. Classes and individuals have access when there is a TL available. Collections shows lack of funding but are building.

Students, staff, and parents have access to a qualified TL and to resources during and after the instructional day. 24/7 access to the Virtual Learning Commons.

Books are checked out but no learning partnerships.

Resources are pulled by the library staff. Few if any learning partnerships. No program as such.

Administrators, teachers, and TLs collaborate to plan and implement units of learning. Collaboration is key to the program.

All members of the learning community work together to build a virtual and physical learning partnership in the LLC. These are global, connected, social, cross-curricular, and complex.

Little or no allocation of professional staffing.

Part-time TL with sufficient time only to do preset book exchanges.

Qualified or qualifying TL is preferred. Full-time in some secondary; mostly part-time in elementary schools.

Sufficient qualified staffing to enable: outreach; collaborative planning; co-teaching; creation and maintenance of the virtual learning commons.




gram. Limited to book exchanges.

Proceed to the CHECKPOINT 8

CHECKPOINT! This will be the only time you will be told to stop. Before you invest time and money in upgrading a School Library Resource Centre (SLRC) to a Library Learning Commons (LLC), planning for change will ensure success. If a number of the descriptors are not checked, there is work to be done in your SLRC. With most checked, you are ready to proceed. Collaborative Culture

Staffing and Staff Relationships

The school has a school library program and a teacher-librarian (TL) who will work with a team to plan and implement the LLC project.

The allocation of TL staffing to the LLC is sufficient to enable the growth of an LLC program.

The TL has engaged with colleagues to create a flexible, dynamic, and collaborative inquiry-based SLRC program.

Access ‫ ܆‬Students, parents, and staff have equitable access to a qualified TL and

The administrator is key to the collaborative culture of a school; LLC culture begins with the support of the administrative team for the development of teaching and learning partnerships.

The TL builds and cultivates learning partnerships amongst staff, students, and parents, as well as extending these partnerships to both local and global communities.

Staff and students place value on being a collaborative community; the LLC is both a key to this and a reflection of this.


the resources and space of the LLC before, during, and after the instructional day.

Students and staff have sufficient and equitable access to current production and presentation hardware and software to enable technology integration with teaching and learning in the LLC.

Technology is understood to be a tool that enables learning, connection, creativity, construction of meaning, and knowledge production.

The TL is a member of the school’s technology committee.

The technology committee understands that an adequately and professionally staffed LLC ensures the most equitable site in the school for access to technology.

The technology committee, guided by the TL, prioritizes access to a range of technologies in the LLC, including ready access for students’ own devices.

The TL ensures students and staff are responsible users who are technology literate and media aware.

‫ ܆‬The learning community has access 24/7 to the virtual learning commons.

‫ ܆‬The TL assists the learning community with the changing formats of resources, helping them to acquire skills and knowledge about ethical and effective use as well as equitable physical or virtual access.

‫ ܆‬The TL is knowledgeable about the automated library management

system, district collections, codes and passwords, subscriptions and licenses, terms of use, copyright and privacy laws, information ethics and academic honesty, as well as information and other literacies.

‫ ܆‬The TL provides access to resources that are current, diverse, and complex; they are available in multiple formats and for different learning styles and abilities, and purposes.

‫ ܆‬Criteria for the TL’s selection of resources are grounded in his or her unique understanding of needs of the school and its culture, the BC curriculum, and Canadian culture.


‫ ܆‬The TL and the LLC are included in all plans for literacy development; reading is foundational for student success and students like to read books they have chosen from a wide range of quality literature and information books.

21st Century Teaching and Learning

The facility has robust internet access and good technical support.

It has sufficient electrical outlets on different circuits.

Tables and chairs are easy to move and to reconfigure to provide workspaces for individuals, small groups, and whole classes.

There are comfortable seating spaces for quiet reading, story-time, independent study, class sessions, and shared reading.

There is a flexible presentation space in one or more instructional areas that include an area for computer access.

The administrator recognizes that investing in an LLC is an investment in 21st Century learning and in student achievement.

The TL has successfully made the case, and the staff understands, that transforming the school library into an LLC requires additional funding.

The TL works collaboratively with teachers to promote and support technology-rich resource- and inquiry-based teaching and learning.

The TL is encouraged to participate as a professional in the learning community; from the unique view inside the learning commons, the TL shares responsibility for assessment of behavior and learning.

The TL teacher-has undertaken a thorough assessment and weeded the existing print collection in order to reduce its footprint and increase space to enhance instructional capacity.

The retained collections and on-going selection of resources support the school’s unique local learning needs, the provincial curriculum, Canadian culture, students’ reading interests and abilities, and development of an expanding worldview.

The LLC provides a variety of professional development opportunities and resources; the TL provides a context and content for professional and pedagogical conversations.


ACCESS: A CORE VALUE OF THE LLC Access is key to creating a Library Learning Commons. The notion of access needs to be deconstructed to reveal its complexity: access encompasses physical, intellectual, real, virtual, socioeconomic, cultural, and other dimensions. In its capacity to empower young learners to be inquiring citizens and lifelong learners, such access is both extremely personal and significantly political. Furthermore, at its most political level, ensuring access to the LLC is the most democratic and cost-effective investment of scarce educational funding, staffing, technologies, and resources. Here, in an LLC, when staffing is sufficient, service-oriented, flexibly scheduled, qualified, and thus accessible, the entire educational community is welcomed and supported. Rather than competing for scarce resources, staffing, and funding, the LLC is a place where these are optimally shared. Principles of equity of access ensure that all students and other members of the learning community, with different abilities, interests, and backgrounds, of diverse social groups, and with a full range of learning, informational, reading, technological and digital skills, interests, and needs, are able to access appropriate resources, expertise, and tools. “What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.” Harold Howe, former US Commissioner of Education, 1967 i

Access to resources is ensured when a teacher-librarian is provided with sufficient time to provide service by: i Selecting, managing, curating, and promoting a variety of print and digital collections i Building and maintaining a virtual learning commons that is available 24/7 i Being open and available to ensure that students are able to understand and appreciate the

differentiated, rich, and diverse collections i

Access to expertise includes but is not limited to the services of a qualified teacher-librarian who has good technical and technological support and who is enabled by sufficient staffing to: i Plan, work, and teach collaboratively with other teachers, support staff, and experts in the

community i Co-create and implement technology-enhanced, inquiry-based, innovative and creative

learning opportunities i Ensure a culture of “Yes, we can” and a vigilant practice of inclusion i

Access to tools and resources for learning is provided by a qualified teacher-librarian to: i Digital tools, like databases, ebooks, subscriptions, DVDs, software and educational

applications, printers, scanners, cameras, and new/emerging technologies and devices i Print sources such as books, magazines, and reference materials i Opportunities for students to receive professional support for intellectual access.


AT THE HEART OF IT ALL IS STUDENT SUCCESS In a Library Learning Commons, the program is constructed around themes of inquiry, knowledge construction, meaning making, and original content creation; the themes are underpinned by designs for learning that feature: ¡

Lively and current fiction and non-fiction collections


The integration of technology


Diversity, differentiation, and inclusiveness


Collaboration amongst students, teachers, teacher-librarians, and experts from the community


Innovation, creativity, and exploration of new information and ideas and, importantly, new ways of teaching and learning


Assessment that is qualitative, formative, and worthwhile


Evidence of engagement with teaching and learning, a “buzz” of activity that may include such concurrent activities as reading, quiet study, the use of computers and other devices, presentations and performances, group work, whole-class instruction, and professional conversations

“The feel of the Library Learning Commons is one of busy-ness: teaching and learning happen here! It’s about ‘hum’ and ‘hub,’ not ‘Hush!’” Moira Ekdahl, BCTLA Executive meeting, April 2012 A Library Learning Commons is a program first, one that occupies both real and virtual spaces. An advisory team of students and other learning community members is a key component. The LLC has multiple uses and features furnishings that can be reconfigured to meet, often simultaneously, the learning needs of groups, individuals, and classes. It is energized by exploration; it is welcoming and central to learning in the school. The old “NO” (Ø) signs are gone. The physical space is flexibly managed and booked by the teacher-librarian who places value on the real conversation about how best to support the students as an important relationship-building opportunity. Virtual services extend, enhance, and enrich the physical program; they do not replace it. The virtual space is managed, curated, and made accessible by the teacher-librarian. It is developed collaboratively In a Library Learning Commons, everyone is a learner, including the teacher-librarian; everyone benefits from opportunities to engage in real and meaningful conversations about reading and inquiry, about teaching and learning. Students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members experience “star status” when they enter the Learning Commons to make connections with learning. A willingness and ability to embrace these themes is central to the process of moving forward along the continuum from a school library to a Library Learning Commons.



Source: Forgeron et al, LLC: A Secondary Perspective


Shifting to a Library Learning Commons: A Blueprint for Pro·Active Systemic Educational Change. The transformation of a School Library Resource Centre (SLRC) into a Library Learning Commons is an example of one component of how a school or system actively addresses goals of change in response to new kinds of teaching and learning, The goals for change are aligned with evidence from current research and with school, district, and provincial goals. The shift is an integrated and active one, driven by the pros, including a team that includes in its vision an understanding that the shift is, at once: A PROJECT: It begins as a project driven from within a school library program or as part of a district or school-wide project . Such projects need to have “grassroots” grounding and, as the impetus, a transparent intention to transform teaching and learning. A PROCESS: The architects of the project, whether district, whole school or library-based, recognize that the transformation is a never-ending process of renewal, does not happen overnight, and is more than refurbishing a space. A PROGRAM: The district, school or learning commons project intends to explore and build new technologies, resources and methodologies into instruction, with a focus on inquiry, innovation, and access. PROFESSIONAL CAPITAL: Throughout the project, there is a dual focus both on new and innovative practice and on the powerful professional relationships that foster innovation, build trust, and encourage success. THE PRODUCT: Student success is the clear and intended outcome of the project, its processes, the developing program, and professional foci of shared understandings and best practices. Anticipate other positive outcomes. 12



The LLC Project begins in one of three ways; the impetus is a response to:

All participants in planning the project understand that transformation is more than simply refurbishing the space; it includes committing to, planning, and implementing long-term plans for:


A school-initiated or district focus on examining many aspects of current practices


A SLRC-initiated one, based on research and changes in school library practices


Professional development that focuses on and provides sufficient time for learning collaboratively about new technologies, integrating technology with teaching and learning, re/inspiring the culture of reading, using resource-based and inquiry approaches to learning, and experimenting with innovative teaching and assessment practices


An Advisory Team, including students, parents, and colleagues


New more flexible designs of the space that are shaped around multiple uses and the learning needs of individuals, groups, or classes and informed by research and visits to LLC sites


A timeline and a budget; also a plan for scouting out, applying for, and securing additional funding

The key features of the Project, district, school-wide or school library-based, include:: ¡

A collaborative and participatory school culture


A shared vision for change, an important piece of which is the transformation of a dynamic and responsive school library program into a learning commons


An assessment of the unique learning needs of the school and the community


Common understandings about the nature of educational change and the role and possibilities of an LLC for teaching and learning



To facilitate the processes of planning, the teacherlibrarian, assisted by district and other school library and facilities experts, undertakes assessments of, and makes recommendations for, changes, where needed, in:

An Advisory Team guided by or including the teacher-librarian; the Team is grassroots support in leading for change and includes interested teachers, staff, students, and the administrator; their mandate is to create active, student-centred, and technology-enhanced learning contexts Agreement to work together to change the ways that learning opportunities are created and implemented


The print collections: Weeding is important to reduce the print collection footprint and increase the instructional capacity of the space


The infrastructure: Anticipate the changes; assess the number, distribution, and/or condition of electrical outlets, lighting, bandwidth, wifi, storage, paint, flooring, window coverings, furniture and fittings, such as shelving, circulation desk, and so; check catalogues and other LLCs to create a wish list for furnishings and so on


Digital tools, resources, and emerging technologies: be sure to include circulation software and security systems

Additional dimensions for the project of transforming SLRC into an LLC include: ¡

Sources of funding and a budget for technologies and furnishings


Most importantly, long-term sustained district, administrator and parent support for LLCs as essential for 21st C learning

How are collaborative communities established? They do not just happen. Someone must lead the move …. Teacher-librarians need to view the concept of collaboration in its largest scope, beyond simple collaboration between the teacher-librarian and individual teachers of grade-level groups to school-wide acceptance of collaboration with the teacher-librarian as a natural and obvious practice (202-3). — Joy McGregor 13



The program is not severable from the space; form follows function, such that the LLC program, in its space and as a place, is designed for new ways of teaching and learning; it features:

The teacher-librarian works with the school community to create and manage a program that is: i Open and accessible: under the management of qualified TLs, little gets in the way of its being open and available for students to use; the program extends to times when classes are not in session, that is, before, during, and after school; it can be booked for after-hours use for related functions, like district workshops, parent meetings, and so on

i Up-to-date technologies that enable exploration, production, presentation, inquiry, communication, and creation; there is a multimedia production centre (a “green room”) for viewing, recording, and creating new works; students can also bring their own technologies

i Dynamic, innovative, and creative: there is a tangible busy-ness and constructive feel that is focused on engagement with reading and active learning; play is a feature; in this “hub” there is a “hum” — “hush” and NO signs are things of the past

i Different spaces, intended for students to occupy and configure to their own learning needs, including quiet reading or study areas and less formal social learning areas for individual or group work

i Welcoming and safe: the LLC has is a special place in the school; in its “hub” role and location, it attracts and invites teachers, other staff, as well as students to engage with reading, technology, teaching, learning, and conversations about these; while it is often a retreat from busy hallways and classrooms, it is a context for working, not a lounge or an alternative to the school cafeteria

i Centres that may at different times be used for reading, collaboration, innovation, presentation, research, and making things i Concurrent uses as the space is flexible enough to be reconfigured and to host more than one learning “event” at a time; it is not unusual for things to happen here, like human library, art exhibits, small-group music and drama performances, speakers, author visits, poetry readings, teacher meetings, and so on

TLs’ PROGRAM VALUES i Collegial relationships and collaboration; connections over collections (Lankes)

i Infrastructure design with improved sightlines, ease of workflow and movement, and greater technological capacity

i Equity of access: in this place, everyone can be included and is encouraged to participate

i Students and teachers who work in the environment, as service providers to make things happen, as consultants to the program, or as independent learners

i Responsiveness to community input through the Advisory Team, surveys, conversations, recommendations, and so on i Reading, reading, reading; reading improves with reading; reading improves with access to books; reading anything improves reading; reading is positively correlated with learning success (Krashen)

i Teachers and staff working, catching up on reading, meeting, engaging in conversations about teaching and learning; students can see teachers at work here i Optimized use of space, primarily instructional and curricular, but also including recreational, extra-curricular, professional, and communitybased

i Inquiry-based learning (Stripling) i Shared understanding, shared vision, shared tools and resources, shared time 14


VLC PROGRAM DESIGN The design of the VLC is dynamic; that is, it is perpetually evolving and always “in beta.” It is co-constructed over time to meet the needs of the program and the school. It is not a computer lab or a one-year project.

The real and virtual dimensions of the LLC Program are essential and complementary components. Print and online resources and tools support unique and diverse learning needs, interests, and abilities. TLs are teachers who select, manage, and promote the effective use of resources (Vancouver Teachers Federation Collective Agreement); in the 21st century, digital collections and applications that demonstrate and promote their effective and ethical use are important resources.

Elements of the VLC include: i The oversight and skills of the teacher-librarian; value is placed on this role and adequate staffing has been provided to enable the development of the LLC

In selecting resources, TLs apply the same criteria for both print and digital collections: i Are they current and capable of being kept current? Are they relevant?

i An infrastructure that enables efficient and timely use of technologies, such as good WiFi access, adequate bandwidth, online platforms, student dashboards

i Do they have particular authority for the subject matter? Are they credible and reliable? Are they “quality” products?

i Access to a variety of tools for presentation and creation, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Voicethread, Glogster, iMovie, and so on

i Do they reflect or add a fair balance of perspectives? Are they global, local, provincial, Canadian? Are they respectful?

i A variety of technologies and responsive technology support from both technicians and the school’s technology teachers who share access with staff and students

i Do they provide coverage of the subject that meets students’ needs, interests, and abilities?


i Do they contribute to deeper understandings and meaningful inquiry? That is, do they go beyond information location and recall? Are they readily accessible, affordable, navigable, appropriate, safe, and more?

i Students select their own learning tools, products, and environments; their learning is intentionally scaffolded as they learn from “experts” and teach each other i Social media is important as a reflection of the participatory and connected culture


i Access is also to blogs, wikis, youtube, online learning communities, book reviews and trailers, helpsheets, the district catalogue and its virtual tools and database collections

The virtual collections of tools and resources are essential to inquiry and to 21st Century learning; they are accessible 24/7 and always integrated seamlessly and simultaneously into resource-based learning opportunities created in the LLC.

i Interactivity and collaborative development put students and colleagues into making and creating modes; it reflects the school’s culture of collaboration

The TL provides instruction as students navigate the web, building their skills in information, digital, media, cultural and other literacies; the TL promotes ethical and responsible digital citizenship. 15



The teacher-librarian works with other professionals in the community to create and manage a program that is open and accessible; dynamic, innovative, and creative; welcoming and safe. Collegial relationships and collaboration are essential to program growth.

Teachers and staff work, read, meet, and engage in professional conversations about practice and in collaborations for teaching and learning. In utilizing the LLC as a site for sharing best and new practices, teachers recognize that:

The TL values and encourages teacher participation in program design; the TL is a teacher who:

i The TL, as an active participant in the school community, is a teacher whose leadership is integral to on-going professional development, including the culture of reading, literacy, technology integration, differentiation of and equitable access to resources, ethical and effective access to resources, inquiry-based reading and learning, assessment, and so on

i Establishes and regularly reviews with the Advisory Team protocols for effective and respectful negotiated use of time and the space; the protocols are shared with and shaped by the community i Grounds collegial relationships in trust and expects to have time and opportunities to engage with teachers in collaborative curriculum and program development, networking, teacher inquiry, research, and other professional activities

i Just as TL staffing is the key to building and maintaining any successful school library program, so professional staffing is essential to transforming such a program into a Library Learning Commons program; therefore, teachers would not assume the duties of the TL nor would they use the services of a volunteer or any other person assigned to do the work (BCTF Members’ Guide, 3.P.02).

i Is a respected teacher whose work to build and enable the LLC Program development is recognized as an essential and driving support for teaching and learning and an important extension of learning for every classroom, teacher, and student

i Time is spent with the TL as an expert participant in designing learning and in working with classes to integrate multiple resources and technologies in inquiry-based learning; collaborations include conversations about new ideas, innovation, and current research into practice, as well as exploration and assessment of new practices

i Is strongly supported by a visionary administrator; sufficient staffing gives capacity to “grow” the LLC program; sufficient funding sustains acquisition of resources and technologies driving the program; value is placed on the role of the TL in building a school’s collaborative and participatory culture i Is similarly supported by parents, frequent users of the space who share in enacting school goals for teaching, learning, and student success

i Professional conversations about and shared reflections on the implementation of co-designed practices and projects address: ¡ the unique learning of students: inclusion, diversity, differentiation, adaptations, multiple literacies, and so on

Collaborative schools do better than individualistic ones … collaborative departments with strong professional communities perform more effectively than weaker ones …. It is ultimately joint work that leads to improvement through exploring challenging questions about practice together.

¡ resources and tools: seamless, appropriate, and ethical use of technologies, evaluation of resources and so on ¡ assessment of and for learning: scaffolding the learning of some, considering and reviewing the progress of students’ inquiries, constructions, and creations; and so on.

Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan Professional Capital


START THE SHIFT: THERE ARE “MULTIPLE POINTS OF ENTRY” One of the key findings of the Vancouver School Board’s two-year elementary teacher-librarian inquiry into library learning commons is that there are multiple points of entry into the LLC project. The elementary teacher-librarians looked at the kinds of educational contexts and their experiences in very different schools and school libraries that shaped what each brought to the conversations. The secondary teacher-librarian inquiry took a different look at the concept of multiple points of entry, exploring instead, within the Pro·Active model, different ways to enter the transformation project to shift the School Library Resource Centre along the continuum to a Library Learning Commons.

The Elementary TLs’ Considerations

The Secondary TLs’ Considerations

Each of the members of the elementary TL inquiry group entered into the TL inquiry conversations from quite different personal and professional points, and very different schools in unique urban communities.

Each of the secondary TLs moved along the continuum in one of THREE WAYS.

Different Journeys, Different Contexts:

The 1st starting point to create an LLC is a natural evolutionary process; start with a successful SLRC, that is, one built on firm foundations of a responsive, dynamic program that a TL has “grown” for five years or more:


A relatively new TL in a very small primary annex library; she had 12 years of experience as a teacher in the school, attended the same school herself, and knows her school community well


An experienced TL who built a dynamic school library program on Vancouver’s South Side; she had just relocated to a West Side school where the school library needed a major overhaul


A temporary TL in a large bilingual East Side school; her work included re-conceptualizing a very small space


A very experienced TL in a large bilingual West Side school; her skills are in motivating teachers and other teacher-librarians to integrate technology



Different Points of Entry:

i In place are practices that exemplify long-term respectful relationships and a culture of collaboration, requisite resources and technologies, and a principal willing to fund and support the new project especially in its focus on student success. i The goal of moving forward is transparent: to have an impact on teaching and learning; the impact on the LLC is measurable program growth. The 2nd “starting point” is to kick-start the program by renovating the facility; a TL familiar with LLCs begins program creation and assesses the effects over time: i The new LLC has a dramatic impact on students who appreciate the renewal and investment in their learning; they use the space; it is a respectful, supportive, and comfortable place to work.

An experienced TL in a mid-size East Side alternative elementary school that doesn’t use textbooks with its multi-age groupings; she had been a teacher in the same school

i The changes have an impact on and beyond the district: others come to see the physical design.

An experienced TL in a school noted for its teacher inquiry into technology integration; her library learning commons was a natural outcome of this school-wide collaborative project

i Within three years of the estimated five-year process, growth is evident: there is a growing culture of collaboration, interest in authentic inquiry-based learning and reading; optimal growth depends upon frequent review of the vision and of LLC staffing.

The temporary TL has moved to her own assignment and is building her own LLC with the findings of this inquiry in mind. The primary annex TL is moving to another school due to declining enrolment; she too will build on the inquiry experience. The results are the same for each of the group; they all remain committed to advancing the LLC Project.

A 3rd “starting point” for LLCs is well illustrated in the secondary TL narratives by Aaron, Rhea, Michelle, and Martha, all excellent examples of how Surrey, Saanich and Prince George SDs provided impetus and support. 17




CONNECT-AND-WONDER Students make deep connections to their own lives and the world they live in; they do this by using prior knowledge, personal experience, and strategies, eg: questioning, predicting. They become more sophisticated at exploring and responding to literature; they engage in literary response and interpretation, and can identify key elements of, as well as similarities, differences, and variations between and amongst, stories.

In addition to skills and strategies they have acquired through reading using an inquiry-based approach, like using prior knowledge and asking good questions, students identify, at increasingly sophisticated levels, issues worthy of inquiry; they respond to new ideas, and ask questions that will generate meaningful, interesting, and worthwhile inquiry.

Teach about / Include: Brainstorming, mind-mapping, KWL or KWHL, logs, journals, anticipation guides, group discussions Assess with: Logs, journals, rubrics Explore ideas using digital tools like: blogs, wikis, youtube, Kidspiration, Inspiration, googledocs

INVESTIGATE To increasing degrees of sophistication, students find books that they like or that are relevant for their own learning; they choose print and digital readings of increasing complexity. They know the key features of a book or of text that aid in understanding. They skim for key topics and scan for key words and phrases. They ask questions and suggest answers as they investigate the reading, new ideas and various genres. As they construct meaning, they evaluate what they are reading, distinguishing fact from opinion, identifying implicit and explicit messages, and separating the medium from the message. They assess the style and purpose of various media formats; they evaluate these for strengths, weaknesses, style and purpose.

Students find information, using good searching strategies, different tools, and a variety of sources, including print, digital, and expert; they search for information strategically and efficiently; they identify keywords, locations of resources, key text or website features, main ideas, supporting details, keywords, and so on, to increasingly more sophisticated levels. They determine the need for more information, assess it for currency, purpose, reliability, perspective, authority, relevance, quality, depth of content. They verify information and record it as notes, in graphic organizers or other formats. They interpret information from graphic, media, other sources.

Teach about / Include: Note-taking, group work, evaluation of resources, citing sources, MLA Style, keywords, vocabulary, finding information in the school library, search strategies, visual organizers Assess with: Checklists, charts, and rubrics Gather information using digital tools like: Google, Googledocs, Survey Monkey, Diigo, Jing, Infographics, Voicethread, BibMe, EasyBib

They organize information by topics and sub-topics, time, and so on. As ethical consumers of information they keep a record of the resources they have used or consulted in a recognized style, eg: MLA. 18

See Points of Inquiry, Appendix 2




CONSTRUCT To increasing degrees of sophistication, students, independently or collaboratively, create or develop products in a variety of new media or traditional formats. Students understand the meaning of text, its connection to images, and the elements of a story; they identify and illustrate main ideas and themes. As they construct meaning from what they have read about, seen, and/or heard, they create products that analyze, compare, contrast, infer, synthesize, paraphrase and/or summarize prior and new ideas and information. They interpret and respond to literary elements in stories, poetry, and other texts, as well as to new ideas in non-fiction texts.

Also, to increasingly sophisticated levels, students learn how to work with others to gather, record, and prepare information. They adapt a plan for inquiry based on awareness of their own learning styles; they evaluate and adopt new tools and technologies, as appropriate. They expand key ideas with supporting details, take and use notes, and craft their own sentences and paragraphs. After organizing and sequencing information, they synthesize information from a variety of sources and integrate the work of other group members.

Teach about / Include: Idea diagrams, storyboards, outlines, writing thesis statements, quick writes, paraphrasing, préciswriting, journaling, avoiding plagiarism, writing process, product formats, citing sources, group skills Assess with: Anecdotal observation, conferences, checklists, peerand self-evaluation, exemplars, rating scales, performance standards, other rubrics

Include technology to capture, enter, save, retrieve, revise, display and present information They construct new understanding and create meaning from information, turning it and use digital tools like Googledocs, Edmodo, spreadsheets, into new knowledge and choosing an wikis, blogs, BibMe, EasyBib appropriate product for the presentation.

They check that the product uses information ethically, that is, in ways They write to support a clear thesis statement or point of view; they select conforming to terms of Canadian copyright and BC privacy laws. supporting details and create an outline to organize ideas for writing.

EXPRESS In increasingly sophisticated ways, students participate in small or large groups and respond to different audiences, by listening, reading, writing, speaking and viewing.

As well, in increasingly sophisticated ways, students share the results of their inquiry in a variety of effective formats and media; students select the product format based on their findings.

They share different points of view and show they can think and express themselves originally.

They understand and respect intellectual property; they avoid plagiarism by citing their sources.

They differentiate between opinion and a thesis statement.

They use models, rubrics, and criteria for exemplary presentation.

They summarize, paraphrase, quote text, both fiction and non-fiction.

They apply principles of design in visual presentations.

Teach about / Include: Use consensus for guidelines: presentation, group discussions, goal-setting, rubrics, appropriate audience response; avoiding plagiarism, design principles, tools Assess with: rubrics, exemplars, checklists, rating scales, peerand self-assessment Include digital tools like: Prezi, Powerpoint, wikis, podcasts, Glogster, digital storytelling

REFLECT Throughout the inquiry process, students reflect on their learning. Is their inquiry question worthwhile? Do they have enough information? What tools are best for their learning needs? They participate in setting goals and guidelines, as well as monitoring and assessing their own and group’s participation and other skills. They reflect on and adjust their own inquiry processes: what worked? what didn’t work? They consider feedback from peers and teachers. 19

TL NARRATIVES: THE ELEMENTARY LLC EXPERIENCE A group of Vancouver elementary teacher-librarians with very different backgrounds undertook, over a period of two years, to meet, discuss, and share their library learning commons experiences. Each school context is also different. These excerpts reflect common themes in their discussions. For the whole account, go to: The TLSpecial Wiki [http://tlspecial.pbworks.com ] See “Learning Commons” in right-hand sidebar; download.

Access by Alanna Wong

locating. Staff, parents and students said these changes opened up the space in the library, made it easier to find resources, and made it more welcoming.

Alanna is an experienced elementary teacher-librarian who moved to a new school in 2011. Below are excerpts of her experiences transforming the school library at the new school into a Learning Commons. @alannawo

New routines were implemented; set library periods were eliminated and were replaced by daily open book exchange periods and flexible library scheduling for new inquiry possibilities for our students, developed collaboratively with staff. New technology was integrated in any collaborative units planned with staff. I attended regular PAC meetings to promote the library to the parents as a “Library Learning Commons.”

In 2005, I became the full-time TL in a school of 350 students; I was fortunate to have the support of the administration for a full-time library position. I had the freedom to develop a library program at the school as I wished. In 6 years, a vibrant library program was achieved with the collaboration of all staff members, including the gym teacher. Students, staff and parents were using the library before, during and after school hours. The library had become the “heart” of the school. In addition, the school’s online presence was created through the development of the school website, which included a library web page.

I started a weekly story time for four special needs students. These 4 students are unable to read for a variety of reasons and have other intellectual challenges. After our read-aloud, I introduced the use of iPads for the SSSWs (special needs staff assistants) and the students so they could make their own story, using the iPad application called “Puppet Pals.” The assistants took photos of their students and proceeded to make twoscene puppet show stories. The students were focused on the images of themselves in their simple story and had such fun recording their voices. They took the iPads back to their class to share with their classmates. The staff assistants reported to me that for the first time, they observed real interactions including some students who took it upon themselves to make another show with the special needs student. One told me that for the first time her student made a connection to someone in the class and that she actually spoke and acknowledged others. It was a breakthrough moment!

In September 2011, I transferred, as the new TL, to another Vancouver elementary school of 290 students. The library had no clear designated areas for working, story time, reading or quiet space. The previous librarian told me that there had been no inventory done for several years – the collection needed updating and weeding. Collaboration with staff and their programs was limited to set library periods for primary divisions, and I was unsure of what the library did for the others. There was no integration of technology within the library program. Very few students came into the library before or after school hours and there were virtually no parent volunteers for the library. My vision: A vibrant, whole school, collaborative approach to learning for staff, parents and students. I began by building relationships with stakeholders. I shared my vision with the administrator and parents at PAC. I established a schedule for early morning and after school access to the library for students and parents. I formed a library monitor club for senior (upper intermediate) students in order to develop a sense of ownership for the library. I began collaborating with staff. Newer staff members were more interested with this approach since they were also building relationships in the school.

Bringing this back to the Library Learning Commons, I believe that we need to empower students in the use of technological tools. So often we forget that our special needs students can also benefit from these same tools. In a Library Learning Commons, staff and students are all learners and we learn together.

Staffing and Staff Relationships by Karen Chow Karen is an experienced teacher and a relatively new teacher-librarian who, for more than fourteen years, has worked in her partially open-area annex of 90 students.

Excess furniture was purged and the remaining and new furniture was re-organized to create designated areas for working, reading, story-time, and a quiet area. With the help of some TLs with expertise in designs that facilitate workflow and in major collection shifting, we weeded the books and grouped the collections for easier access and

Our elementary annex staff began to engage in professional dialogues that focused on the book Learning in Safe Schools by Faye Brownlie and Judith King. These dialogues affected modifications in practise and fostered a more “distributive leadership” approach among staff. 20

Our readings guided my staff in developing a climate of collaboration at the annex:

Infrastructure by Sylvia Zubke

You can’t be a team member without being a part of the conversation. You’d just become a technician without reflection, and teaching just has to be so much more than that (87).

Sylvia is an experienced elementary teacher-librarian working in a school that supports technology learning as well as collaborative and inquiry based professional development and teaching.

I jumped at the opportunity to leave my half time primary teaching position to take on a full time position as the TL (40%) and Resource Teacher (60%). This was the first time in many years that the TL/Resource assignment was full time and, thanks to our Brownlie and King readings, the TL was to be included as a member of the school-based team that met twice a month. The staff was clear that the TL had important insights into students’ needs that should be shared; it meant the TL’s help in implementing recommendations that supported students was valued. This remarkable shift paved the way for the team teaching and collaboration I do today with every single class in the school.

When I first saw the Ike Barber Learning Commons at UBC, I asked myself, ”How do I adapt the concept of a university Learning Commons to create an elementary school Library Learning Commons?”

The position of the TL is often less than half time and staffing for the TL position in Vancouver is from an incremental staffing allowance that the administrator can divide. It is very difficult to maintain adequate staffing in the LLC. I have been fortunate to have been included in discussions about how that incremental funding could work best for our school. My colleagues have also embraced a “push-in” model of support as they prefer to have an extra teacher to work with on a particular lesson or project to having a revolving door of students coming or going from the classroom. This model fosters collaboration and allows students to have stronger connections to more staff members. The TL position is a specialized position and a necessary part of every school staff. I am viewed as an additional accessible teacher and my colleagues have also come to view the LLC as an extension of their existing classroom. Thus, a Library Learning Commons in a primary setting:

x includes the physical space of the traditional library (hence, a “Library Learning Commons”)

x is managed by a TL who is a strong leader, effective collaborator and mentor who fosters transliteracy; the TL has a unique relationship with the staff, students and parents in the school

x is utilized as a space for many functions, including collaborative meetings, teacher planning, independent student as well as small group work; these functions can occur at the same time

x has strong administrative support; that is, the administrator maintains staffing, fosters collaboration between staff members, sets a school-wide tone for teamwork, schedules regular class reviews, and includes the TL as part of schoolbased team meetings.

I went back to my school and re-arranged my shelves so that they were all low enough for students to reach, and I put fewer books on each shelf. I became ruthless, every year weeding the books and making a list of every book that hasn’t circulated in my library. If I felt unsure about weeding a book, I would put it in a box to see if it would be requested. My last World Book encyclopedia set is in my backroom. It is April, and not one person has asked for it — everyone uses online encyclopedias. Typically, libraries and bookstores have more nonfiction titles than fiction. Some estimate the ratio to be 30% fiction and 70% non-fiction. I have weeded my non-fiction section until it is the same size as my fiction. I got rid of books where the information is more current on the internet or from databases. I got rid of books that are higher vocabulary but low on visuals. I took the money I would have spent on non-fiction and enhanced my fiction and graphic novel collections. I ask students want they want me to buy, and I buy it. We have an awesome graphic novel and manga section, plus superheroes, Lego, Hot Wheels, Dora, Mr. Men, Star Wars, and so on. I make sure to buy all the award winning books and books recommended by other teacher-librarians but the collection must reflect the tastes of its clients. Any time a student, teacher or parent requests a book that I don’t have, I put it immediately into my Amazon shopping cart to review before purchasing. During the summer, teachers email me requests or the units they are planning so I can have resources ready for September. Then I used Scholastic Book Fair certificates to add child-sized seating to the donated big, comfy chairs. They also enabled me to buy a dollhouse, medieval castle, Lego and train tables, as well as carpets. Parents with their pre-schoolers come to the library to read and play with the toys. The local community service organization uses our space after school for literacy clubs. UBC uses it once a week and there’s an after-school computer class on Mondays. I bought a refrigerator, microwave, toaster oven, kettle and coffee pot for the library. I even got light, easy to move tables for the library, and the administrator made sure we had robust WiFi. I have 19 desktop computers, a printer, a SMARTboard, projector, headphones and microphones. 21

I would so love to have the glass walls that keep spaces differentiated, but that is not in the budget. Because I cannot differentiate my space well, I accommodate different noise levels at different times. If special education assistants or parents come in to use the computers, they wear headphones or read quietly in the reading corner. If a small group needs to meet, I have cleaned out my back room and added a round table with 6 chairs. After school, the library is a meeting space and it can get loud. I tolerate it because more and more parents come into the space, and I so enjoy the rich conversations that occur.

teachers and administration to reflect on and guide collective changes in practice. A manageable and realistic vision resists the desire to include every new constructivist innovation. The inclination to overlap concepts such as maker-spaces and ed-tech teaching areas, like computer labs, with the LLC muddies both the understanding and the administration of the space. The ideal would be that we have adjacent spaces in the school for students to move through a cycle of knowledge exploration and construction.

Consider that the product is not the most important thing in an LLC; rather it is the information and literacy skills – the 21st Century Learning by Celia Brogan development and synthesis, transfer and deconstruction of Celia was, at the time of this inquiry, a new TL working at a ideas – that are the primary focus in this common space. Students may then move their learning to an adjacent very large East Vancouver dual-language elementary school of more than 600 students. She has since moved to maker-space to carry out the next stage of their process. They may come back to the LLC during the cycle to a dual-language library program at a smaller West Side rehash/revise aspects of their ideas and then go off elementary school. Celia tweets: @CeliaBrownrigg somewhere else. “Learning commons.” What are the implications of renaming the library? If we move away from using “library” Technology by Michele Farquharson in favour of using “learning commons,” are we sending a message that the activities and habits of mind associated Michele Farquharson is an experienced TL who has with a library are outdated and different from those that we been a member of the Board of Directors of Teacher expect to see in a learning commons? Librarian journal for years. She works at a very large West Side dual-language elementary school. While renaming the library may facilitate the re-branding of the space, that is, eliminating the stereotype of the strict, Since 2002, The Horizon Report K-12 has been one of “shushy” librarian and her quiet, dusty, book-filled haven, it the best indicators for emerging technology trends in is more likely that an elementary school library is already a education. The April 2013 shortlist lists twelve technoplace where students can come to work on group projects, logies, ten top trends and challenges that will signifybrowse recreational reading materials, and use multiple cantly impact teaching, learning and creative inquiry in technologies to explore curricular topics and demonstrate global K-12 education in the next 5 years. their learning. It is a place where teachers come if they want to chat informally about their practice or formally These include: collaborate on a lesson or unit. If these things are not already happening in the school library, changing the name x BYOD - Bringing your own device allows students to of the space is not going to help; it may renew interest for a work with familiar technologies. while but without the underlying philosophy and framework it can quickly become a free-for-all or a dead zone. x Cloud computing - Students will be encouraged to share questions or findings with each other. We have heard about elementary library spaces losing professional staffing and then being renamed as learning x Mobile learning – Students engage with a type of commons. This is problematic as a learning commons is a technology that has exploded with the availability of complex educational space, tied directly to the ecosystem educational and productivity apps, promoting media of the larger school community; effective management and rich products. integration of the learning commons into the educational ecosystem requires dedicated expertise and attention. x Online learning, particularly massive open online courses (MOOCs) – These are being reshaped to The union of library and learning commons ideals is include blended learning strategies and to provide possible when members of the learning community more personal learning. co-construct the vision of the space and its purpose. We can't pretend that we're only changing the how of teaching. Teacher-librarians have long understood the personal The shift to a Library Learning Commons (LLC) model, empowerment that comes for both educators and especially within a school community, falls within a larger students when they are enabled to acquire skills for paradigm shift pedagogically: participating in an LLC is a information literacy, critical thinking and participatory different way of being in a learning community. This is why learning. As we move forward, our school libraries need the program and pedagogical shift cannot occur in the to transform to Learning Commons to allow our students library alone. There must be a collective will among to become transliterate. 22

Sue Thomas has defined transliteracy as: … the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks.

multiage organization is very different from running split classes. Grouping is more flexible and mostly heterogeneous.

We operate under a distributed leadership model. It isn’t always easy. You might not notice at first just how highly collaborative we are. We meet once a week at 7:45 in While teacher-librarians need not devise more benchmarks the morning and have regular conversations about who or learning outcomes, they do need to continually redefine we are, what we think is important, and where we want what is necessary so that students become transliterate. to go. We don’t give out letter grades. A majority of our teachers team teach. Harold Rheingold, an influential and provocative writer, a During my fifteen years here as both a teacher and as forward thinker, and a well-respected teacher of social the teacher-librarian, learning has been resource based. media, believes that educational institutions must teach Process learning plays a bigger role than following a students how to think about technology. content curriculum. For the most part, other than a few In societies that don’t change very much the duty math books, we don’t have textbooks. When working at of the elders, the duty of the educational institua school that doesn’t use textbooks, the library truly is tions, is to pass along what has been proven to the hub of the school and a critical part of learning. work over the generations. In societies that change rapidly that doesn’t do any good. You I have struggled to understand just what it might mean to need to teach people how to think. You need to transform our school library into a library learning teach them how to recognize trends. You need to commons. I realize that it includes everything an exemteach them how to evaluate. They have to be able plary school library needs to be, along with an opening to answer the questions: What is the technology up of opportunities for more serendipitous learning to going to do for me and what is it going to do to occur. I can’t control everything and have to let the me? Do I need to know how to use it and if so how space belong to the community, albeit mediated by me. do I use it in my life? At my school, the evolution of the library into a library His recent book, Net Smart: How to Thrive Online learning commons has been about integrating where we focuses on five main areas: managing attention, network are going with where we have been. While we continue awareness, participation, crap detection, and collaborto engage learners using both traditional and digital ation. This book is a must-read for anyone using the technologies, in the learning commons iteration of the internet. Rheingold has always been a champion of library, the essential or basic goals remain the same. digital media but feels that, in order to cope with the These goals include, but are not limited to, learning to plethora of information and the ability to connect with work collaboratively, to learn to access, analyze and others, these five areas must be taught and understood. synthesize information, to think critically, and to become problem identifiers and solution finders. It’s still all about For any educator, the managing of children’s attention is learning to learn. The development of transliteracy plays paramount. The ability to consume or create media at a pivotal role in this because, to function in the world of any minute can be addicting, therefore, digital mindfulnow and tomorrow, learners need to be able to do all of ness on the part of our students is mandatory. Teacherthis across multiple formats simultaneously. librarians recognize the power of participation and online collaboration, as well as the need to be information literate. However, the value of network awareness, knowing how and who to connect with, who to follow, The Learning Commons is the starting point — it’s the needs to be shared with our students, not only to benefit nerve centre of the school, the place where learning their academic understandings but perhaps even more isn’t about collecting dots bur rather about connecting importantly to ignite their personal interests and passions. them …. It’s our experimental lab: a place where kids and adults can take risks and experiment with new Collaborative Culture by Cheriee Weichel ways of doing school … where educational research can be played with and developed into programs that Cheriee is an experienced TL at an alternative elemennot only impact students but also provide ‘road maps’ tary school of 300 students; she has been the teacherfor teachers: “This is what innovation looks like … how librarian there for five years and, for ten years prior to it engages students … and how you can implement that, was a classroom and an ESL support teacher at the facets of it in your own classroom.” same school. She tweets: @CherieeWeichel What is most obvious at my school is that we organize around multiage classrooms – mostly three grade groupings in each class. Structuring a school with a

— Gino Bondi, LearningtheNow


TL NARRATIVES: THE SECONDARY LLC EXPERIENCE A group of Vancouver secondary teacher-librarians spent three years meeting to share information and ideas about their library learning commons experiences. Teacher Inquiry provided the meeting time and supported their transformational processes. Narratives from BC teacher-librarians around the province have put invaluable depth into this document. [For many of their Virtual Learning Commons, see Primer, p 35.]

Program: The Priority is Access by Pat Parungao Pat is an experienced teacher-librarians, formerly the BCTLA President and the Vancouver School Board TL Consultant. Now she is TL at a mid-size East Van high school. Pat’s TL partner Hilary Montroy is also experienced; she has a particular interest in new technologies and the virtual learning commons. The secondary library that I transferred to seven years ago had a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. There are comfy chairs as you enter. I was told by the outgoing TL that the library was “half-way between the office and the counselling suite” – that is, not just in physical terms but also in philosophical ones as well. Students, from popular academic to marginalized, felt comfortable coming to the library. Access was in many ways already established. At that time, two classes could be readily accommodated during the same period, and classroom teachers were accustomed to collaborating with the teacher-librarian. Technology included a few laptops, a digital camera, 18 desktop computers for student use, and two audio-visual carts, each with a projector, computer and speakers. How lucky I was to work in such a school library! When our district TL Consultant held the annual TL Spring Update session at the new Chapman Learning Commons in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (formerly the UBC Main Library) and the following year at the Simon Fraser University Student Learning Commons, we discovered new directions for libraries that could be applied to secondary schools. I followed up by interviewing librarians at both UBC and SFU and learned that students and users were involved in the decision-making; each site had increased virtual access and had changed the physical space to be more flexible.

We started an LLC Student Advisory. This group provides student perspectives on improvements we can make; they maintain the Learning Commons Facebook page, write about the LLC for the school newspaper, and so on. We have created curriculum-based online surveys. We next plan to seek student input on various aspects of our LLC program and involve them as technology support for students and staff who want to learn how to use the Smartboard or programs like Notebook, BitStrips, EasyBib, VoiceThread, iMovie, and more. 2. Better Virtual and Technological Access: When I arrived, the library website had not been updated for some time. It had both wonderful information but also some that was dated. Hilary created a new website and regularly maintains it with, for example, a bookings calendar so teachers can check availability and collaboratively developed projects, often including instruction, handouts, resource lists and links; and tutorials, like how to use online citation maker EasyBib, posted on YouTube. Occasionally we limit access to teachers-only sections, like our discussion blog that supports an all-staff fiction book club; we are also careful to protect the privacy and intellectual property rights of teachers and students. There are now thirty desktop computers, every student in a class can have a computer. Available as well is wireless access and more technology, like a Smartboard, document camera, Kobo e-readers, and iPads on a cart. We also encourage students to use their own electronic devices. 3. Change of the Physical Space:

To increase space for students to use, the collections’ footprint was sufficiently reduced by weeding and by removing some of our tall fixed shelving or stacks. In place of these are now are seven tables, enough seating space I am fortunate that my TL partner has also completely to accommodate a third class. And, with improved embraced the concept of a Learning Commons; together, sightlines, the LLC looks brighter and more open. New we have made the following improvements: task chairs have castors and our wish list includes tables with castors so that furniture can be easily moved to 1. Student Involvement: respond to the needs of various groupings of users. We encourage students to use the seminar room; we plan to Staff and student suggestions for books are encourage; we create a “green room” filming station there as well. actively encourage their submitting requests in writing. When the book arrives, the “requesting” person is always The concept of a the LLC is neither static nor complete. I called to be the first to borrow it. We try to acquire and envision its future as continuing to be user-focussed and process the books as quickly as possible so everyone responsive to educational and technological changes. knows that we are responsive to their suggestions. 24

Three Cs that Create an Effective LC Program session on making lip gloss with 16 girls - that was fun!! by Michelle Hall

3. Collaboration

Michelle is an experienced Home Ec teacher who has worked in both high school and elementary school libraries. She is a TL at a mid-size high school in Surrey, BC.

Collaboration is the hardest aspect of a new LC program to fully realize. At this stage, the TL really needs to be seen as being open, non- judgmental, and good-humoured!

Yup, the name Learning Commons is a bit of a mouthful, so for simplicity’s sake, we have been referring to it as the LC. My vice-principal tells me that in his day that stood for the “Liquor Control Branch.” That gave me a good laugh, but the word “control” is what it's all about — letting go of your need to control, going with the flow, listening to the consumer, and being a great sales person and TL.

In working with my colleagues, I might suggest ideas for projects or ask if I can help with a project. I offer to do the typing of a new assignment, create a rubric for that assignment, and do the photocopying before a class arrives, anything that reduces the workload for teachers and makes collaborating more inviting (they all love free clicks, that's for sure)! Another service I offer my teachers is the opportunity to collaborate with each other while I Before you can transform a traditional high school library into a Learning Commons, you have to consider two things: teach two classes at once. For example, I have taught a 3Are you are willing to create open and flexible spaces, and week cycle of research and study skills to the grade 8s, freeing up their teachers to collaborate. I then introduced are you willing to have an open and flexible mind? these blocks to their Passion Projects, and the teachers The library at our school is a really large piece of real joined in to monitor and finish the projects with the stuestate, too large not to be used to its fullest potential. We dents. Both services are valued and appreciated by my are all to blame if our libraries haven't become the heart staff (especially since we are in the first year of becoming and hub of the school. Over the years we have ignored an IB-Middle Years Program school). As my principal them and gone with the status quo. We have treated them always reminds me, "You're a teacher first, librarian second like a sanctuary for those few readers and academics who — and that's how our staff sees you." haunt them in silence. But... I'm lucky enough to work in a So my role as a teacher-librarian is indeed multifaceted. It school, and in a school district, that is bubbling over with really is about relationships with our staff, students, and support for change in our libraries. parents. My advice? Don't be afraid to throw things out, So what are the 3Cs of the LC? open up your doors, make some noise, make mistakes, and make a mess! Jump in with both feet, embrace it, Communication — Coordination — Collaboration believe it, promote it, and go visit others schools that can inspire you and give you great ideas! I spent some time 1. Communication with the incredible Angela Monk from Fraser Height Secondary. Angela has had a thriving LC for years now, I make it a point to communicate with my staff at every and she knows how to make one rock! opportunity. I make myself open, accessible, and approachable. Whether it's my weekly emailed Google More advice? Get the Admin on your side! I worked calendar, App recommendations, book talks/book closely with my Admin Team; they were my biggest recommendations, lesson ideas, Twitter activities, cheerleaders, and their financial support was instrumental Pinterest, blog posts, or LC reports at Staff Meetings - I share, share, share. That includes sharing with students as in the physical transformation of our space. This transformation was a LOT of work both physically and well via Twitter, the Learning Commons Facebook page, emotionally, but it's worth it when you see that this is where my Readers’ Café blog, bulletin boards, contests, everyone wants to be – sharing and learning together. celebrations, special guests, activities, and announcements. Communication and sharing is so important in creating a feeling of shared ownership of the space and the A District-supported LC Project: Saanich program. by Aaron Mueller 2. Coordination

Aaron is an experienced TL and cybrarian who is new to a small-to-midsize secondary school in Saanich. The I make myself available to help coordinate and facilitate school is just completing the major transformation of its events. For example, I help plan lessons with feeder schools, bring in guest presenters, or arrange opportunities school library to an LC. Aaron itweets: @aaronmueller. to Skype. I enrich the learning environment of the school The former TL at my new school began the transformation and offer my services any way I can. That extends to to a Learning Commons last year with program evolution, sponsoring clubs that meet in the LC after school like: physical renovations, and purchases of furniture and Economics club, after school peer tutoring, and the technology. The school district provided Innovation Grants Readers’ Cafe. I also try to offer fun activities at lunch a few that enabled all secondary and middle school libraries to times each year. Activities I’ve organized include: adapt their spaces, furniture, programs, and resources to bookmark bingo, book pong tournaments, friendship meet the needs of a 21st Century Learning Commons. bracelet tutorials, book trailer bonanza, and I recently did a 25

The old tables, chairs and some shelves were replaced by new comfy chairs and loveseats; these were strategically located to create quiet alcoves for reading and to frame other more central spaces as well. Our new tables can be folded and stacked away, opening up the entire space for new configurations. Some hefty weeding also cleared space for new resources and new learning activities. In addition, we have created a production room or “maker space” where we produce videos, podcasts, and digital artifacts, and we can build computers, play with new equipment as well as teach and learn new skills from each other.

The District LLC Project: Prince George by Rhea Woolgar Rhea is an experienced English teacher and a second year TL at a mid-size secondary school in Prince George, BC. She is also a District Learning Commons Liaison. Connect with her on Twitter @mizwooly. In September 2013 I inherited a well-stocked, traditional school library. I had spent the previous year on temporary assignment replacing a TL on leave; during my time there, the school library had come up for renovation. Although it was intimidating to renovate another TL’s space, it was an awesome experience in collaboration and purposeful design.

The old library security system was removed, helping to create a culture of trust and to enable smooth access to our learning space. We expanded our WiFi infrastructure to give access to more devices and equipment. There are I brought the insights and skills of that experience into my strategically placed charging stations, enabling students new school where the support of the administration in to replenish their devices as needed undertaking the transition from library to an LLC has been The school has also recently implemented a set of 30 significant. When I was hired for the position, I requested Linux Laptops to complement our 30 desktops in the summer project funding to set up a Virtual Learning Learning Commons. The Linux platform allows us to Commons (VLC) to allow students 24/7 access to districtenable student profiles that follow them wherever they are purchased databases and e-resources. I used LibGuides in the school, that is, providing access to their files, book- as the format and developed a menu of research and marks and documents, even from home! We have information literacy skills for students to use as they complemented this technology with Kobo E-readers, accessed resources within the LLC. Apple and Android Tablets, Document Cameras, Digital Video Cameras, Digital Still Cameras, music players, Changing Atmosphere charging cables, dongles and many types of memory, cabling, connections and other helpful 'bits' that enable When school began in September, I wanted the word to technology integration. We have added a “smart” TV that get out that our school’s learning commons was "not your connects to our network and is able to display wirelessly, Grandma's library.” The first tangible thing I did was sharing photos and announcements. One important remove the “Ø” signs, like "No food or beverages" and evolution in our program and district was to enable a new "No hats." Every block I searched for students to invite to District-wide Learning Commons website template, one come and work in the library. I put a tub of Lego on a that is consistent across schools, and shares our projects, table and a jigsaw puzzle on another. Slowly students documents, links and resources. This collaborative began to choose the LLC as a place to come to work, to project was enabled by the district to get all T-Ls working learn, and even to play. I wanted staff and students to together to build a useful, consistent and valuable know that the library was their learning space. template for all Learning Commons in every school. Changing Space Program-wise, the new Learning Commons has been able to implement many digital resources, databases and As the library began to get busier, it was apparent that the learning activities utilizing our new technologies, space would have to change to make room for additional equipment and spaces. We have had almost all faculties classes and groups of students. And so we weeded. The and courses come to learn, research, inquire, produce library technician at our District Learning Commons (DLC) and present their learning. We have housed hundreds of gave me a list of all resources that had not been used or students during entire grade presentations. We have signed out in five years. Reducing the size of our hosted poetry readings, parent information nights, after collection by about 10% freed up enough room to have an school clubs, tutorials and meetings. We have also additional class in the library. We condensed our nonimplemented a new online booking calendar so that fiction section and placed our newly refreshed fiction subject teachers can check and book time in the Learning section on the wall. The books looked (and smelled) so Commons from anywhere. much better, and students could more easily find what they wanted. Staff or students’ fears that a favourite book would be weeded or their concerns that out-of-date books should be kept, "just in case," were perfect opportunities to demonstrate how databases and e-resources could be used for the same or better information.

Overall, its been very exciting and empowering to be a part of this transformation, supporting our school’s students, staff and community with our new design. We have created a buzz in the school and district, showcasing much of what can be achieved through this thoughtful and supported transformation. 26

Changing Traditions

Moving Forward

Throughout the process of changing the atmosphere and space in the library, the library clerk and I worked to change how the library was regarded by staff. Instead of being a curricular add-on, we wanted to become an integral part of teachers’ planning their courses. We decided that, in response to any request by staff, our goal was to "get to yes." We found ways to fit extra classes into the space; we travelled out to classes to renew and sign out books; I gave booktalks wherever we could fit them in.

As we expand our uses of both the virtual and physical spaces, BC’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA) has remained a challenge. Our province’s response to FIPPA as it affects learning opportunities for students has been slow. We are challenged by knowing better, but not being able to do better. I have found that working with the DLC team has helped bring some clarity to how to address FIPPA. I am looking forward to having a FIPPA “permissions” document that has been legally evaluated for use with students, staff, and parents.

We tried to anticipate and plan in advance for the needs of Assessment and Reflection our staff. At Christmas we hosted a reindeer games activity for our grade 8s and, during the Olympics, we streamed It is difficult to get descriptive feedback to inform and the Canadian Women's Hockey games into the LLC. Our goal? Whenever something was happening in the school, improve our practice. I want feedback that is meaningful and effective, to keep a focus on the work that I am doing the learning commons would be involved. and the program I am developing. I have invited my administrator and selected colleagues to give me It was also important to begin to change how students used the resources in the space, to get past the traditional feedback. In taking my own measure of the program, I assess my own answers to the following questions, research, the hunt-and-gather approach to information adapted from Colorado’s Highly Effective School Library retrieval, or "Bird Units," as we call them. We developed Programs: LibGuides to help frame LLC or inquiry projects, framing each project or assignment with a big question that pushes students to deeper and more meanigful learning. Thus far, How does the TL show direct evidence of: it has been a successful re-design of our place in the teaching and learning that takes place in our school. x Meaningful integration of 21st Century skills into the library program? I have worked with several teachers to meaningfully incorporate technology and collaboration into teaching this x Leadership within and outside the school? year. After attending the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) summit in Kamloops, several grade 8 classes have x Impact on student achievement within the school? used Google docs for collaborative work. Another group evaluated, edited and used YouTube videos to teach their x A collaborative environment where students have the classmates about a scientific concept. One afternoon a instruction they need to be college and career ready? class learning about gladiators took a Google Earth Walking Tour of the Coliseum with me. x A culture of collaboration that includes the teacherRecently, several teachers and I met to discuss the digital literacy skills our students needed to acquire by graduation. Students have such vast differences in technological abilities, so setting aside the notion of a “scope and sequence” as being unrealistic in today’s learning, we set our sights on students having strong basic technology skills that enable them to learn to use any new technologies for their own inquiries, now and in the future. We received support from PAC funding to expand our games/Maker Space collection. I am excited to see the power of Gamification to enhance learning. We purchased a class set of the game “Settlers of Catan.” Using this game, grade 8 teachers and I have planned a series of lessons about how civilizations develop. We recruited four of our keenest teachers to help us and the library hosted a “Settlers of Catan” tournament. Students wrote about what they had learned, in playing the game, about the rise and fall of civilizations.

librarian in instruction, leadership decisions, and the provision of digital literacy instruction for staff and students? x

The creation of programs, aligned with school and district goals, that encourage student involvement in community, cultural or global initiatives?


Demonstrated differentiation to meet the learning needs of all students?


Teacher-librarians work in helping teachers with student assessment?


Purposeful lesson design that creates lifelong learning opportunities?

It was after the transformation of our secondary school library in Prince George that I was seconded one day a week as a District Learning Commons Liaison. In that 27

position, I work with other TLs as they transform their school libraries to LLCs.

succeed throughout their lives.

Library as Evolutionary Process: TL “In Beta” x A battery of mini-lessons, to be called “You are the By Martha Cameron

Library: Enabling Students to Take Advantage of Life’s Opportunities”: my goal is to equip our students with a whole host of tools, and more importantly, an attitude that will make all this possible.

Martha, an experienced TL, has worked in her large Surrey secondary school for many years; she is a lead TL in the BC movement to LLCs. She tweets: @northsurreylib Several times a year, we are invited to get together with other district teacher-librarians who are on the same Learning Commons journey. These are such valuable opportunities to share information, experiences, practices and plans. These meetings also have given me a chance to reflect on where we’ve been, and where we are going at my school library, now a Learning Commons. This is what we have accomplished so far. Fourteen or so months ago, our space changed dramatically. We removed a “forest” of stacks and a mother-ship of a circulation desk. In so doing, we completely – and thankfully — changed the tone of the library. We went from a “We’re smart and we’re in control” place to more of a “This is your space to accomplish what you need to accomplish” place.

I find myself thinking about time. We have many grand ideas. We are there; we have changed our mindset. The fact remains, however, that we are very confined by our infrastructure, particularly with respect to time. In a school day that is defined by rigid blocks of time, a semester that is defined by weeks, an assessment system that requires “marks,” and an “old order” challenging a new one, time becomes a huge issue. At the very least, we need to teach our students that the time constraints they currently work within will, one day soon, not exist. So our evolution continues … the good news is that the Learning Commons is packed with kids and all our users seem to be willing to help in the process. The best evidence that change is afoot was demonstrated recently when, on the Friday before Thanksgiving long weekend, I couldn’t get the students to go home!

The change of space allowed for some quite unpredictable When Infrastructure Anticipates Program possibilities, including a concert series that takes place in By Moira Ekdahl the library, called Music4Lunch, where our school bands and choirs perform once a month. Moira is an experienced TL who has been working in a mid -sized South Vancouver high school learning commons for The soft furnishings have also facilitated new kinds of three years. She is the former VSB District TL Mentor and collaboration and interaction. Consultant. She tweets occasionally: @tlspecial. Janice I have worked hard to create a greater web presence, Smith, an experienced TL, has been a key partner in the “flipping” the library so that all our resources are available process of developing the facility and the program. to our whole community, all the time. I was hired at my present school as a Learning Commons Some issues are straightforward and relatively easy to Specialist. My administrator, excited about the LLC project accomplish, but the job is, of course, never done. Here is as a dimension of the school’s technology enriched vision what I am working on: of learning, had secured a generous community donation and the PAC was committed to supporting it as well. x A meeting space with a whiteboard wall; when I paint the existing cupboards with Idea paint, we will also Our LC Design Team (the principal, two TLs, an Art and a have both a quiet space for students to work in, Technology teacher) began to create a whole new kind of something we are short of at the moment. learning environment. On the plus side, the LLC would be well located, across from the school office and near the x More student involvement in the creation of the vision front door, at the “hub” of things. The vast space had four of this Learning Commons. instructional areas and various adjoining rooms. On the minus side, the facility had been added to the school in the x Facilitation of connections for both students and ‘50s and had bunker-like “Cold War Architecture,” with no teachers: I ask myself, How can we facilitate natural light, except at the back, from two narrow 2-inch connections now and in the future, connections that windows in a set of double EXIT doors expressly not be are powerful, engaging, thoughtful, and life-changing, used to EXIT. Old technology clung like after-thoughts to connections that will continue to empower them to the room’s large support posts. 28

We developed the plan for renovations: move and re-organize the entire collection; repaint and rewire some areas for technological upgrades; remove a “forest” of spinners, some of the seismically secured “stacks,” and all of the rarely used study carrels filling an entire teaching area; uninstall (consider eliminating) the security system.

class in again, “It is perfect because it is so studious.” Another student, asked what she thought about the new plastic “infinity bench” that lights up and serves as a coffee table or bench, said, “It attracts kids.” I like to have a feature “piece” that represents “the invitation” to learn. In the strange bench, I see the light at the heart of the school and our program. Our LLC program begins when the doors open in the morning and closes when we leave at the end of the day; it includes breaks, lunch, and all uses between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. Of course, any after-hour use of the 24/7 district resources or of the space for events or meetings is a real or virtual extension of our program.

First we would construct the space; our trades built: x x

x x


a new counter in an upper area that overlooks everything; with stools, it has become a favourite work area new low movable book shelves that would delineate our fiction and quiet reading area but be easily moved to accommodate large groups (up to 100) a compact circulation desk that has clear sightlines a bar-height L-shaped counter with high stools; our 10 PC screens are always visible and in use from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; we envision this counter as having high stools on both sides for collaborating with technology cabinetry in three instructional areas for mini-Macs and audio-visual systems that enable projection to interactive whiteboards; in our Innovation Centre, projection to a whole-wall screen is a frequently requested performance area with surround sound.

Re-design had incorporated simple principles that would put “new light” on the role of the school library in teaching and learning: new open sightlines, bright new furnishings that enable flexible use of space; reduced collection footprint; new paint, wiring, and custom-built fittings; largescale technology installations; a sense of the invitation to learn. Re-design, also and more importantly, anticipated building the LLC’s capacity to enhance teaching and learning within the school. In the district, we are also well situated to be a “hub” for professional development about LLCs, technology integration, and shifting pedagogy.

Today there are four kinds of spaces: quieter, more comfortable reading and study areas; an informal café-style reading/learning space; smaller rooms that can accommodate multi-media production, storage, work, meetings, or “making things”; and large teaching areas, including the Innovative Teaching Centre and the Collaborative Centre. Students access our technology (20 Chromebooks, 10 Dell laptops, and 10 mini-iPads) from what had been the magazine/school archives storage room . The multi-use “green room” has 3 iMacs.

I knew that building the space before the program was risky – as form best follows function, you unquestionably need to build on the firm foundations of a strong, dynamic, and responsive program. My TL partner Janice Smith and I continue to work together to create new partnerships and build the culture of collaboration; we are three years into what my “TL Inquiry” colleagues have suggested will be a five-year building process. We knew the kids would get it!

Our school’s LLC has garnered attention from administrators, management, and teacher-librarians across Canada; many interested visitors from Metro, provincial, WiFi is enhanced at our school as we also house the out-of-province, Ministry, and district locations, as well as district’s virtual learning school. Students and visitors school-based educators have come to our LLC. In our readily use their own devices in our LC. We have comfy district, new seismic re-construction has attracted chairs, donations from a renovating coffee enterprise known for its comfortable seating, as well as custom chairs architects and district managers to our LLC. Within the Vancouver School Board, many have looked to our LLC and ottomans. Our Collaborative Centre has “wheely” as a model project, a source of ideas, advice, and impetus. chairs and tables that enable us to respond quickly to users’ learning needs; the key to the appeal of this area for In setting out to transform a very large space that suffered teaching and learning is its lightness and colour. We have from underinvestment and underutilization, our Design eliminated “Ø” signage that announces THE RULES. Team intended that both the space and the program it When the doors of the new LLC opened in October, 2012, housed would see a significant overhaul; the new LLC would generate a program that would attract new users, students knew instantly what to do – work, read, learn build new relationships, and ultimately reach beyond its together. With the “soft opening,” students began to discover the significant investment in their learning; the old own walls, into classrooms, homes, and communities, local and beyond. Across the district, VSB teacher-librarians windowless school library had become a bright and have come to consider new technologies, furnishings, welcoming space. Our students are very respectful of the fittings, and principles with which to “grow” their own LLCs. space. Said one girl when asking her teacher to bring the 29

members of their departments.

IT ALL STARTS WITH THE PROFESSIONALS By Joan Muir Joan is an experienced teacher-librarian who has worked in both elementary and secondary school libraries. Her present West Side school is one of Vancouver’s larger schools. Her TL partner Stephanie Lemmon also works half-time as a science teacher at the same school. When my partner, a new teacher-librarian, and I arrived to start our work together at a school, we found a facility that was little used. The staff rarely came in. It will never have a “hub” location … you have to follow signs and know where you are going to find our school library. It is a difficult space in some ways, having two floors on three levels. As well, secondary schools are divided into departments; the divisiveness is another hurdle to overcome. But it is one of the largest school libraries in the city; it has some beautiful bright spaces; we discovered a staff that was open to new things and very welcoming; the school is very centrally located and easily accessed in Vancouver.


We got involved with the school community in such initiatives as Canada Sings! and Teacher Inquiry.


We created professional development gatherings for several departments in the library to support their particular teaching knowledge and to stimulate cross-curricular discussions.


We created a staff reading club that met regularly. Some who have since left the school still come back for our meetings.


We moved to leadership roles within the school by organizing and chairing the technology committee.


When it looked as though the Social Committee was going to fall apart, we stepped up. We created a climate of enjoyment and inclusion that enhanced the school culture.


We have continued to build the academic standards of units and to bring unusual events for staff and students, such as the ‘Human Library’.

It became abundantly clear to me that we were going to have to market our expertise. We needed to be a “location x We created student clubs such as Library Monitors, of choice” in our own building. Our primary goal that first the Students Read Book Club and Writers in the year was to build strong relationships with individual Making Club (a poetry writing club). teachers, administration, student teachers, the parent community and students. Our main focus was the teaching By the end of our first year, we had staff. We sought to build relationships which were professional, educationally supportive and recognizably x more than doubled our circulation; valued by each teacher. We provided sound service and expertise. x involved all but three departments in class bookings; As we were both new to the school, our initial communications with staff began at a respectful distance, BUT: x watched the “gate count” go through the roof. x

x x

We never missed a chance to make announceThe library became THE new place to work, learn, and ments in staff meetings, at meetings of department socialize. It was clear that the program and the facility had heads and staff committee. become a significant entity for all members of the school community. We focused on other communications, like daily bulletins, pamphlets and emails. Over the last few years, I have worked with the Admin We kept our communications concise and wellcrafted to get across information that we knew would capture their interest and /or be very useful.

Here is what else we committed to: x

We asked to be invited to department meetings where we could offer educational support, resources, and technology.


We tried to collaborate in the library with someone from every department. We anticipated that colleagues who came to work with us would favourably discuss their experiences with other

Team on the Finance and Interviewing committees. With our sustained efforts in jump-starting the school library program and the visible impact of the lively program on the school, our administrator, about to retire, decided to invest in renovating the library to turn it into a Library Learning Commons. The awkward school library that we had found just a few years ago is now a lively and beautiful space – and a “location of choice” for district events. We had started in the right place; the foundation to our program’s success was the time and effort placed on building professional and strong relationships with our school staff. 30

DISTRICT NARRATIVES: THE LLC EXPERIENCE Some BC school districts are excellent examples of support for and implementation of the pro-active transformational model that builds on the work of the TL (professional capital) and the school library program. Compare the Surrey and Prince George district LLC projects with the important ways, described by Aaron Mueller, that the Saanich district has enabled LLC projects initiated by the Saanich Teacher-Librarians’ Association.



By Sarah Guilmant-Smith

By Monica Berra

Sarah and Lisa Domeier de Suarez are teacher-librarians whose work at the district level has facilitated the development of LLCs as important components of their district’s support for school-based innovative learning design projects. Sarah and Lisa are Helping Teachers and members of the Surrey School District’s Information and Media Literacy team. Together, they offer targeted support to more than 90 FTE school-based teacher-librarians. Lisa is a tweeter: @librarymall

Monica is the District Vice-Principal, Curriculum & Instruction, for Learning Commons. Her district-based LLC Liaison Teachers Team has recently been increased from three to five .2 FTE TLs. Monica tweets: @M_Berra57; see also @DLCsd57.

The Surrey School District’s three-year support plan for school-based innovative learning design projects has included a strong focus on Learning Commons. District funding, targeted mostly to technology hardware and furnishings, but including ongoing staff development, has now been extended to 18 secondary sites and 18 elementary sites, or nearly one-quarter of schools in BC’s largest school district. While each school community is at its own point on the program development continuum, the District priority has been to develop broad-based, shared understandings about the kinds of best practices outlined in this document, specifically about:

x opening up timetables to the greatest extent possible;

x creating “flexible” spaces with adaptable furnishings;

x providing 21st-Century technologies and promoting responsible digital citizenship;

x fostering climates of collaborative inquiry; x facilitating side-by-side learning and teaching opportunities;

x curating diverse collections representing a

[NOTE: The following is adapted from “Building a District Learning Commons — SD #57,” by M. Berra. CLA Conference: Treasure Mountain Canada 3, Victoria, BC. May 30, 2014. Web.]

The Team’s Vision statement: We are collectively combining our creativity, knowledge, and expertise to create a library learning commons to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Building the District Learning Commons: The District began is project by creating four new leadership positions for LLCs; with a focus on student learning, the District Vice-Principal and three .2 FTE District LC Liaison Teachers would build the foundations and support schools with the transition of school libraries to LLCs. With a Learning Team Grant, the Team would optimize its own professional capital: they would share expertise in inquiry, digital literacy and citizenship, and technology. Systemic change, they knew, takes time, practice, commitment, and an open mindset. Real change happens after the initial excitement and confusion at the outset of such a project; it is a complex process of moving forward based on changing how we think about and respond within learning environments. In addition to understanding how change happens in a system, the Team was guided by four foundational principles:

x Continuous Inquiry requires risk and is experimental x Learning Collaboratively is not the same as cooperation; conflict will occur

variety of information formats;

x acknowledging the central role of the teacherlibrarian as an educational leader and as the key coordinator of the Learning Commons.

x Reflective practice guides future practice x Learning by doing is essential. 31










B TH E S LI CH AIS OO ES Co LC nn OM TH ec E W te M d UN OR t o LD : IT Y

Learning Design Curriculum, Assessment and Collabora on Literacy and Mul ple Literacies Technology Integra on Management: Time, Budget, Facili es, Resources and Tools




The teacher-librarian is an ac ve par cipant in the educa onal community. Within the Library Learning Commons where the goal is increased student success, the teacher-librarian is a key instruc onal specialist who promotes reading, inquiry, and the effec ve use of resources. The TL is expert at balancing:














: to N d O e ct ESSI e ES n F S E n E T O Co PR AT MIT P I R IC OM HE T T R C O



: t o LS ed O c t HO e n n SC C o ER H OT ©BCTLA

Within the busy school and wider educa onal and local communi es, the strong school library program is the hub of learning; the TL, in crea ng a strong program, puts “learning” into Library Learning Commons. 32




Learning in the twenty-first century has taken on new dimensions with the exponential expansion of information, ever-changing tools, increasing digitization of text, and heightened demands for critical and creative thinking, communication, and collaborative problem solving …. All learners must be able to access high-quality information from diverse perspectives, make sense of it to draw their own conclusions or create new knowledge, and share their knowledge with others. American Association of School Librarians Inquiry follows a fairly standard process that involves starting with what the learner knows, asking intriguing questions about what is not known, investigating the answers, constructing new understandings, and communicating to share those understandings with others. But inquiry is much more than simply following a process. It is an essence of teaching and learning that places students at the heart of learning by empowering them to follow their sense of wonder into new discoveries and insights about the way the world works (2-3). — Barbara Stripling (2-3)


REFERENCES American Associa on of School Librarians. Standards for the 21stCentury Learner in Ac on. Chicago: AASL, 2009.

Loertscher, David V. “Flip This Library: School Libraries Need a Revolu on, Not Evolu on.” Teacher Librarian 54.11 (2008): 46-48. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

BC Teachers’ Federa on. Members’ Guide. Vancouver, BC: BCTF, 2014. Loertscher, David V., and Valerie Diggs. “From Library to Learning Commons: A Metamorphosis.” Teacher Librarian 36.4 (2009): 32-38. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Brownlie, F. and J. King. Learning In Safe Schools. Markham, ON: Pembroke, 2011. Print. Colorado Department of Educa on. “Principal Talking Points for Highly Effec ve School Library Program.” Colorado’s Highly Effec ve School Library Programs: An Evalua ve Rubric for 21st-Century Colorado School Librarians and their Library Programs. Colorado: State Library, 2013 (Revised). Web. 15 May 2014.

Loertscher, David V., and Carol Koechlin. “The Virtual Learning Commons and School Improvement.” Teacher Librarian 39.6 (2012): 20-24. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Loertscher, David V., and Carol Koechlin. “Theory and Research as the Founda onal Elements of a Learning Commons.” Teacher Librarian 39.3 (2012):48-51. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Forgeron, J.M., J. Muir, M. Ekdahl, P. Parungao, S. Pearson, and V. Lam. Library Learning Commons: A Secondary Perspec ve. Vancouver, BC: Vancouver School Board, 2014.

Loertscher, David V., and Carol Koechlin. “Dear Teachers: The Learning Commons of the Future of Learning.” Teacher Librarian 39.4 (2012): 51-54. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Gauntley, T. “Learning Commons Episode 9: Two Ques ons About Sharing.” Tim Gauntley: Resourceful Curriculum for 21st Century Learning in Classrooms and Libraries. 28 Nov. 2011. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

Loertscher, David V., Carol Koechlin, and Sandi Zwaan. The New Learning Commons: Where Learners Win! Reinven ng School Libraries and Computer Labs. Salt Lake City: Hi Willow, 2008. Print.

Harada, V. “Empowered Learning: Fostering Thinking Across the Curriculum.” Curriculum Connec ons: Through the Library. B. Stripling and S. Hughes-Hassell, Eds. 41-65. London: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. Print.

Lankes, R.D. “Keynote Address.” The Inspira on Summit. Vancouver Wall Centre, 2014 Dec,7. as cited in M. Ekdahl, TLSpecial Weekly Report . 2013 Jan. 28. Blog.

Hargreaves, A. and M. Fullan. Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School. New York: Teachers College Press, 2013. Print.

McGregor, J. “Collabora on and Leadership.” Curriculum Connec ons: Through the Library. B. Stripling and S. Hughes-Hassell, Eds. 199-219. London: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. Print.

Hargreaves, A. and D. Shirley. The Fourth Way: The Inspiring Future for Educa onal Change . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2009. Print.

Ontario School Library Associa on. Together for Learning: School Libraries and The Emergence of the Learning Commons. Toronto: OLA, 2010. Web. April, 2014.

Harland, P.C. The Learning Commons: Seven Simple Steps to Transform Your Library. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited An Inprint of ABC-CLIO, 2011. Print.

Rheingold, H. “Par cipatory Media: A Literacy in Infancy.” Interview. In R. Lindstrom. Literacy 2.0. Blog. Web. 2012 Sept. 24. Rheingold, H. Net Smart: How to Thrive Online. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2014. Print.

Howe, H. “On Libraries and Learning.” School Library Journal. 13. Feb. 1967. Abilene University Quote Archive. Web. May 15, 2014. Johnson, L., S. Adams Becker, M. Cummins, V. Estrada, A. Freeman, and H. Ludgate. NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12 Edi on. Aus n, Texas: New Media Consor um, 2013. Kachel, D.E. School Library Research Summarized: A Graduate Class Project. Mansfield, PA: Mansfield University, 2013. Web. 18 May 2014. Koechlin, C, E. Rosenfeld, and D.V. Loertscher. Building A Learning Commons: A Guide for School Administrators and Learning Leadership Teams. Salt Lake City: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2010. Print. Koechlin, Carol, Sandi Zwaan, and David V. Loertscher. “The Time is Now: Transform Your School Library into a Learning Commons.” Teacher Librarian 36.1 (2008): 814. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Stripling, B. “Inquiry-based Learning.” Curriculum Connec ons Through the Library. B. Stripling and S. Hughes-Hassell, Eds. 3-39. London: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. Print. Thomas, Sue. “Transliteracy.” Sue Thomas. n.d. Blog. Web. 15 May 2014. Vancouver Teachers’ Federa on. “Teacher-Librarian.” Collec ve Agreement. Vancouver, BC: VTF, 2014. White, Bruce. “Towards a Learning Commons: My Journey: Your Journey.” Teacher Librarian 38.3 (2011): 27-30. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Zubke, S., C. Brogan, K. Chow, M. Farquharson, C. Weichel, and A. Wong. Elementary Teacher-Librarians’ Inquiry Group Report. Vancouver, BC: Vancouver School Board, 2013. Web.


A PRIMER: K-12 Library Learning Commons in BC Schools Everything you need to know and know how to do in order to get started



Foundational books and online readings (ask your TL for help): Canadian Library Associa on and Voices for School Libraries in Canada. Leading Learning: Standards of Prac ce for Effec ve School Library Learning Commons in Canada. 2014. Web. Diggs, Valerie. "From Library to Learning Commons." Chelmsford, MA: Chelmsford High School, n.d. Sllideshare. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.

Check out these youtube videos and Virtual LLCs: Johnston Heights Learning Commons: TL Michele Hall’s Virtual Tour of JHSS Learning Commons, Surrey School District #36 Innova on and School Libraries Pecha Kucha: (7 Dec 2012) Gino Bondi at The Changing Times, Inspiring Libraries Summit. “I’ll Fight You for the Library” performed by Taylor Mali

Ekdahl, M., M. Farquharson, J. Robinson, and L. Turner. Points of In-

quiry: A Framework for Informa on Literacy and the 21st C Learner. Vancouver, BC: Bri sh Columbia Teachers’ Associa on, 2010. Web. Hamilton, Buffy J. "Crea ng Conversa ons For Learning: School

The Learning Commons in BC: BC Libraries (2012) Library to Learning Commons: Saanich SD #63, BC (2014)

Libraries As Sites Of Par cipatory Culture." School Library Monthly 27.8 (2011): 41-43. Academic Search Premier. Web.

The Power of Reading: Dr Stephen Krashen, University of Georgia COE Lecture Series (April, 2012)

Hayes, T. “Library to Learning Commons: A recipe for success.” Educa on Canada 54(3). Web.

Transliteracy and Par cipatory Librarianship: Buffy Hamilton (Oct 2010)

Hargreaves, Andy, and Michael Fullan. Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School. New York: Teachers College Press, 2012. Print. Koechlin, C, E. Rosenfeld, and D.V. Loertscher. Building a Learning Commons: A Guide for School Administrators and Learning Leadership Teams. A Whole School Approach to Learning for the Future. Salt Lake City, UH: Hi Willow, 2010. Print.

VIRTUAL LEARNING COMMONS: A SAMPLER Bayview Elementary School Library Webpage: VSB. TL: Carmen Yamash*ta Dickens Elementary: Library Ma ers: VSB. TL: Cheriee Weichel. Creekview High School: Transliterate Prac ces for Student Inquiry TL: Buffy Hamilton (Canton, Georgia) and Stripling’s Inquiry Model Fraser Heights Library Learning Commons, Surrey, BC. TL: Angela Monk

Loertscher, D.V., C. Koechlin, and S. Zwaan. The New Learning Commons: Where Learners Win! Reinven ng School Libraries and Computer Labs (2nd ed.) Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow, 2011. Print.

Gladstone Secondary School’s Virtual Learning Commons: VSB. TLs: Hilary Montroy and Pat Parungao

McVi e, C. “K-12 Learning Commons.” ETEC510: Design Wiki. Vancouver. BC: UBC Faculty of Educa on, 2014. Web.

Hamilton, Buffy J. The Unquiet Library , The Unquiet Librarian. Web.

Ontario School Library Associa on. Together for Learning: School Libraries and The Emergence of the Learning Commons. Toronto: OLA, 2010. Web.

Johnston Heights Secondary, Surrey. SD#36. The Librarian’s Locker. TL: Michelle Hall

People for Educa on. “Reading for Joy.” 2011. Web.

The KSS (Kelowna Secondary School) Learning Commons: TL: Al Smith (@literateowl)

Stripling, B. and S. Hughes-Hassell. Curriculum Connec ons Through the Library. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. Print. Zmuda, A. and V.H. Harada. Librarians as Learning Specialists: Mee ng the Learning Impera ve for the 21st Century. London: Libraries Unlimited, 2008. Print. SOCIAL MEDIA – BLOGS, TWITTER, AND MORE: Bondi, Gino. “The Why Behind a School’s Learning Commons” and “Our Learning Commons: One How-To for 21st C Learning.” LearningtheNow. 2012. Web. Ekdahl, M. TL Special Weekly Report. Web. Kennedy, Chris. “My Take on Librarians.” The Culture of Yes. Web.

Has ngs Elementary School Library: VSB. TL: Frances Renzullo-Cuzze o

Magee Secondary School Learning Commons: Vancouver, BC. TLs: Susan Pearson and Jann-Marie Forgeron North Surrey Secondary Library & Learning Commons: TL Martha Cameron Prince George District Learning Commons Discovery Portal: District VP: Monica Berra, Curriculum Instruc on (LLCs) Richmond School District Resource Centre: District Co-ordinator Gordon Powell. Access to Professional Magazines. Springfield (Illinois)Township High School Virtual Library See also new homepage featuring LibGuides. TL: Joyce Valenza Vancouver Technical Secondary School Library: VSB. TLs: Jo-Anne Roberts and Katharine Shipley


FURTHERMORE: This document illustrates how, as sites of equitable access, the concept applied in a Library Learning Commons is about so much more than technology, resources and services; it is about how a teacherlibrarian envisions a space that gives form to culture, community, new and bold thinking, geography, sharing, relationships, support, and found opportunity: The shift towards Library Learning Commons models from the traditional school library has been an evolution born of the desire to develop more access, more technological literacy, and improved scholastic and literary culture. While the model itself has been growing, many teacher-librarians were already evolving in that direction; no name change required. The Library Learning Commons is the natural “next step” in the continuum of development of supported multidimensional learning environments focused on stronger points of access and service. Declaring that a space is a Library Learning Commons is a clear and bold statement that this space, in the realm of school libraries and the faculty who manage them, is just the model best suited to supporting education in the 21st Century and its new ways of teaching and learning. — Alan Smith (@literateowl), Teacher-Librarian, Kelowna Secondary School, Kelowna, BC “Start small.” Those were the words of wisdom that my mentor, Kelowna Secondary School teacher-librarian “extraordinaire” Al Smith, shared with me in 2006 …. [Some] minimal changes have led to a massive trans-formation of the physical space and environment – cue a sigh of relief from school administrators – and all with very little financial investment, just sweat equity and a dash of passion. We view the growth and development of our school library along a continuum, and while we’ve come a long way, we do recognize the need to evolve and innovate as we emerge as a learning hub in our school community. In our rural setting, with shrinking budgets and only .7 TL services, we have had to be creative to be effective in meeting students’ learning needs, doing more with less. We know, for example, that nearly 70% of our students live outside city limits, travelling up to two hours to school each day. To provide them with equitable access [comparable to BC students in urban areas, for example] to resources, we initiated a cooperative arrangement between the Kootenay Lake School District and the Nelson Public Library to increase our students’ access to both electronic and traditional media materials. By purchasing an ‘institution’ card, students can order resources online and have them delivered directly to the school by the district’s courier services. In making this possible, we have shifted the school library towards the Learning Commons model, effectively increasing our ‘offerable’ collection by 500%. BC public libraries in small communities are an important partner with LLC programs as they work collaboratively with us to support student learning. — Jeff Yasinchuk (@jyasinchuk), Teacher-Librarian, L.V. Rogers Secondary School, Nelson, BC

© BCTLA, a Professional Specialist Association of the BC Teachers’ Federation 36

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