The Sun from New York, New York (2024)

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New York, New York

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Ililolir i3 i i 1 II I1rj I Inn I I THE SUN TUESDAY JUNE 24 1884 I nn tIrhe Suit TUESDAY JUNG 24 IBM AmntcmtnU To4 CaieleMritke if MMMtCneerl ft A I UIIML 1 4I sar I IIM eMlr Hloewei liMf I Ww fk Crd TklrCspI Mlealer I PI ru1sWtI4 wi IMtnllur i 7r i Tti nKollr Cortir lr r7 it I IheuMrrAHIXirlilBllMllta 1 I nMrt Mm ky iIF11 rat DAILY rr JOII ar rtrTttr UXDAT rr Tear I 4M DaILT AMD SUNDAY ftf TlSf WKKKliY rwTear 199 Tux t7If Xw York City AdvrrUttmtntt for Cm WxxxiiY Sujr famed tomorrow momfw miul handed In thU toning beore six oclock The Facts About Grover Cleveland In this HUto a large numbor of people In both private and public stntloM appear bo entirely satisfied that GnovFn CLEVELAND LAND has conducted himself so wisely nnd Tvcll Govnruor ot Now York a make him fitting candidate for the Presidential nomination They ale think In consideration of various political 1 signs nucli as tho enormous Democratic mnjorlty at the tlroo of his election and the frequent expressions In his favor by disaffected Republicans hore and eUowhere as well a by mo cratlo conventions In other States that I put at the head of tho Democratic ticket be would certainly bo elected So entirely onvlnc are they of the truth of this opinion and so absorbed are thoy with tho Idea of fretting Mr CLEVELAND nominated at Chicago that they are inclined regard a Adverse criticism of their favorlto a prompted by hostility his personal Inter cats or by indifference Democratic success And yet tho facts about the Governor are very simple The enormous majority by which ho was elected In 1882 was completely swept away and carried over the other side In 1883 4 when the head of the Republican State ticket WAS elected by a plurality of 18513 Under Mr CLEVELANDS Administration tho Democratic party In Now York has become a weaker and less effective organization than when he received its nomination for Governor And besides tho Democratic Convention has met at Saratoga and adjourned and the friends of CLEVELAND In spite of tho Unquestionable current In hU favor without the State wore not sufficiently numerous to make him the choice ot tho Convention though I they could have done that tho Convention at Chicago would have been practically a ratification mooting to endorse tho nomination These are not truths to bo denied or to hidden It would bo an incalculable blessing I they were not truths at all For if today the Governor of New York could surly count on a majority of 30000 votes In this State I he was the sort of a man before whom opposition faded rather than grew and nourished I nothing In tho whole range of political possibilities could prevent his election to the Presidency in November next Dut a 1 such la not the case all protests or expressions tho contrary notwithstanding and the sooner our contemporaries who think of nothing but tho nomination of Mr CLEVELAND by tho Democrats can recognize this the better StlU if tho cholco should fall upon Mr CAD tho Democrats can mao a mighty hard fight for him and ho may possibly win But wo can Indulge Jn no such illusions lusions in regard the unquestionable wisdom of his candidacy as many of our contemporaries would seem to cherish The Dispute About the Dutch Succession The demise of tho Prince of ORANGE followed as it soon must be by tho death of the decrepit King WILLIAM IlL will place Holland once more In tho foreground of European politics I the theory of a balunco of power still obtained upon the Continent the claim put forward by tho cxDukn of NASSAU to tho kingdom of tho Netherlands and tho grand duchy of Luxemburg would cause widespread commotion and probably Involve International complications As It Is nothing could more forcibly attest BISMABCKS consciousness of Irresistible ascendancy than the cool declaration that the question of succession I I tho private concern of Germany and Holland and that no foreign power will allowed meddle with I Nor can It bo denied that a regards Luxomburg at all events the position taken by tho German Chancellor may bo sustained by precedent There Is nothing surprising In the report of the action contemplated at The Hague for It has long been known that the reigning King of Holland would do everything in his power thwart the plans of Germany and 9 the ambition of his relative the representative of the elder branch of tho NASSAU family He has convoked it Beams a plenary congress for tho avowed purpose of proclaiming his daughter tho Princess WILIIEL uiitA who is less than four years old as the next occupant of the throne under i Council of Regency be presided over bv her mother Queen EllA a princess of tho WAiiDECKPYHiiONT family who became King WILLIAMS second wife about live years ago There Is no doubt that the States General will assent to tho wishes of the Gnera wi asent moribund monarch but nothing will bo definitely ate by the proposed declaration Tho action which the Dutch Congress takes today It may reverse tomorrow and King WILLIAMS death will give tho signal for a vehement demand on the part of the Duke of NASSAUS partisans that the decision In regard tho succession shall reconsidered This agitation will have the moral of the support Gorman empire and It Is by no means certain that tho Dutch burghers will not give way when thoy discover that not a single European power will countenance their resistance Austria a Italy are bound Germany by a close alliance tho relations of the courts of Berlin and St Petersburg are now a cordial as they woro In 1870 Franc dare not lift a ringer against the will of UJSMAWK and England has too much trouble of her own In Egypt to dream of Intervening In Continental controversies The moaning of tho situation la Unit If upon his kinsmans I death tho Duko of NASSAU to NAAU manages organize a strong party hi Holland antI furnished Gormauy with a protest for Interposition his claim to exorcise tho regency at lost during the minority of tim Infant Pi In cuss WILIIKLMIMA Is not unlikely to be VUH tamed by German troops But whatever may bo the outcome of tho I dispute concerning thn kingdom of Holland the grand duchy of Luxemburg stands on I A wholly different footing Tho union between tho two countries Is personal not political and the StutcsGeuoral of tho Motherland are not competent to settle the I order of succession for Luxemburg which I a Constitution and Legislature I Pt 5 i of IU ow By ra Unru and history tho grand duchy of Luxemburg Is a Indisputably Gorman 8 the duchy of holstein which Indeed It present many points of analogy Not only did always form a part of the old Gorman empire but It was a member of the Germanic Confederation created In 1815 and dissolved In 1800 Indeed It was not until May 1867 that Prussia renounced the right of maintaining a garrison In Luxemburg which was thereupon declared neutral territory BISMARCK hu always regretted the renunciation i of a stronghold which hub demo of the utmost moment the defence of Germany and bo only wanted I to It because at the time ha was not ready to contend with France Tho chance of recovering covering the vantage ground then lost will I be offered on the death of the reigning King of the Netherlands and the Luxemburg I Legislature will show Itself far more traat able than the Dutch StatesGeneral tl the German Catholics of the grand duchy I will glad of any specious excuse for cutting I tbo slight tie which nt tn oven slaht io present connects I them with the Protestants of Holland An Anxious Time for the Rich The list of millionaires who have come grief since tho ret decline In the prices of securities began Is already 1 long one and It Is not Improbable that It will bo much longer before tho summer In over Tho downfall of Mr VILLAUD caruo first and now ho has many companions in misfortune and many other men ore lightIng almost against hope In order save themselves from a like fate ThIs Is a anxious time for the rich more especially and those who watch their troubled countenances themselves having no fortunes lose may tko comfort In tho thought that poverty has Its compensations rite man who has no great accumulations Is at least saved from fret and worry concerning tho fate of his Investments while the capitalist may bo distressed by tour lest ho lose what he has uo carefully guarded The pccullai of this period of depression I that tie victims seem bo chiefly men of largo capital or of considerable accumulations Tho panic so far as It exists Is among them for they see at least the nominal value of their securities continually declining and many of thorn arc distressed with doubts as to what they shall do with their money They are losing confidence In Investments which formerly seemed them beyond all ordinary risks nod are now ready listen to rumors which cant doubt on tho solvency of men In whoso financial strength they bad full faith and of Institutions and enterprises of which before thoy had no doubt Evil rumors which three months ago were scoffed at a the wicked Inventions of conscienceless gamblers now begin find credence conservative Investors even among conrvntvo Invebtrs and Wall street Is agitated by foars of comIng disasters which will bo oven worse than those which have gone before The promise of crops of extraordinary abundance tho in creasti of exports the Improved condition of the banks and tho better tone of general business tall restore confidence and give courage Tho street Is sick with a moral disease from which It scorns slow to recover But the groat mass of this community and of the Union in general arc far from suffering There Is less dissatisfaction than usual among the worklngmen Tho volume of business Is large for tho consumptive demand Is good The farmers of the West aro Ao confident of rich crops and tho outlook for cotton I encouraging Business failures aro not Increasing at an ominous rate and tho supply of money Is abundant The gloomiest place In tho country Is Wall street and the gloomiest men thero aro those who thought themselves beyond financial disaster two Neither would tho years ago they bo In any danger now I thoy had not continued their gambling But probably by the autumn or at least when spring comes again oven Wall street will In a more cheerful mood Blaine BR a Protestant Democrat In tho summer of 1875 there was a special election of a Congressman In tho Fourth district of Maine fill the vacancy occasioned sioned by tho death of SAMUEL HETIHEY of Bangor This district includes Aroostook county where there are a largo number of voters holding tho Roman Catholic faith One of those the Hon JAMEB MADIOAX was tho Democratic candidate for Congress Tho Republican candidate was Gen HAn 31 PLAISTED who bad boon AttorneyGen arid of the State The delegation from Maine In the Houso of Representatives was then solidly Republican and tho efforts of tho managers of the party were exerted In order keep It solid Gen PLAISTED was elected by about one thousand majority over MAPIOAN It not until after he had served his term a Representative that Gen PLAISTED became a Greenbackor and was elected a Governor of tho State by tho Fusion vote At the time of the MADIOANPLAISTXD contest In the Fourth district of Maine there was extensively circulated In Penobscot and Piscataquls counties a campaign document bearing tho frank of JAMES BLAINE Mr BLAINE was at that time as ho had boon for about a dozen years tho Chairman of the Republican State Committee and tho brains and hands of tho I eyes party We reprinted yesterday tho circular In question I was signed I A Protestant Democrat and It was designed overcome tho sure Democratic majority In Aroostook county by appealing to tho religious prejudices of tho voters in tho other two counties composing the district Tho argument of tho circular is despicable In tho extreme No Democrat Republican who Is Intellectually honest no fairminded man of either party will attempt to excuse or defend this sort of political warfare The alleged I Protestant Democrat urged his follow citizens to defeat MADIOAN solely on the ground that MADIOAN was a member ol tho Roman Catholic Church JAMES MADIOAN said tho circular I Is a very zealous Roman Catholic I to believed by many that ho is a lay member of tho secret order of Jesuits Tho Papists everywhere continued the author of tho circular arc watching the results of MADIQANH campaign In this district and It will be bale everywhere as great triumph for tho Catholics I a New England Protestant district eoudu a Roman Catholic to represent It In Congress I Remember member quote further from the elicit her that you owe morn religious sent mont than you do your party aud tho proper rebuke to your party for asking you to vote for a Roman Catholic Is to support Gen CONNOII for Governor and Gen PLAWTCU for Congress The candldato In whose behalf this cowardly appeal to religious prejudice was circulated has communicated to the editor culltd cmmlnkate eitr of the Albany Argus the fact that the author of the document the pretended Protestant Doroociat was Mr BLAINE himself Gun PLAIHTEII says that ho was with Mr BLAINR when tho circular wan written he saw Mr BLAIXF write It Wo commend Gen PLAISTXDS statement tho consideration of a honest citizens no matter what their religious convictions may The record of the author of the ADI OAK circular will searched I vain fo amore disgraceful deed more dlqrarul de Mr Randall and the Democratic Norn nation naton A writer In tho Pittsburgh ftini presents a series of excellent reasons for nominating Mr SAMUEL RANDALL as the Democratic candidate for tho Presidency Because lie I tried man and not 1 experiment tie wl a Dlinocre1 In Ihe d1 when It tried mene touU lo I bt Democrat inS wis alwart ITO end nnfllnchtnr never once filtering In Sli I fidelity In lh old pony when her ranki wit broken end the tanner trampled In ISo dirt KM the Dmooritie par nn yratitu4If BteinM li la hotilit mal and IB these days cf fraud and dlihenwlrfi ISo part ot pnMIe mla food o14faaIiiond hos ity the gnuS rtquliiM ol alt For upward of tjrtntjr ara HixiEl Rount hai boa In pnbllo lit anil with hundrtdt of hli iliowi hay alltn icithed and blacktiitd fraud and dlihoncity hU wont enemy hat nnt hud anything upna him of I dUhonoratilt charaeUr II to a soils thIns to laid vt Whim whoa I ca ba trnttifullr laid Bteama hi can carry nn jrlraula ulait aUI This In I apparent to alt who look bnitlt the lurfaca Auk the Republican who a not wlllini to vol for Bum 0 Kln out of yory tell wlllrajr ha prefer BtMDiLt boa we bellcre him 10 be both capable ant lioniit Became he oecuplei the only lafa pound on the quotlon a tall We want a man who has ennierra llre rlewi 1 on that qileitlon Rrery thlnklnt man Knona that any rudilen flhanye In our Import duttea would Saul I financial wreck Inthle oonolry Mr IANPLL by hit eonnrvatlv court aveil ui from thnt BId the DimoeraUc party lull now bare a more prate Inf illS In uieit that Is the question whether this country I to be any lunger under the control 0 IhIO i Let them artdreii Ihmln that qneitlon at Chic re the tariff on abide a while And at ell erenti tli man who think he can lay down a tariff ptaiik at Cltl earn for usry Democrat of this I Tilt country to walk on II I In ilanger ot lunacy There are many other reaiont why Mr Kj iu ihonld receive the nomination at the haoni of the party ha hs servos in long soil hut let this lufflce for the Free em They come from the rank and Ale and are a dreeeed to those who really dnho the triumph of the party and at the tame time a triumph of honesty and truth over fraud and dUhoneity There Is no disputing the weight of such arguments and I It were possible to convince the Chicago Convention that Mr RANDALL could really carry Pennsylvania against Mr BLAINE his nomination would not be so dlOloult bring about a it may now appear Mr RANDALL would make a very tttrong candidate and a flr trato President But can ho be nominated Would that this question could answered afllrmntlvoly I Turn the Unseals Out I While Secretary FoLOFn Is Investigating tho case of tho disbursing oflloer of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing who Is reported short in his accounts It might bo well extend the Inquiry Into other affairs of tho bureau Ho will find an Institution that had Its origin In the needs of war times but which ha been perpetuated with Increasing extravagance under successive Administrations Ho will find that the COlt of this Institution Is carofullv covered up by spreading tho Item among different accounts 8 that the aggregate expense cannot easily bo aacnrtalned Ho will discover a long list of salaried wi lonl 18t Ialalo p*rn nomlwll export who are neither ornamental nor useful pensioned upon the Government by political Influence Ho will see how under pretence of economy a vast establishment has ben created more extensive In Its operations than was the whole Treasury Department a fow ears ago The Secretary might Inquire into the alleged duties of the various members of the Poker Club of whom the defaulting official was one Hn would learn no doubt tbat there would bo considerable saving to tho Treasury I a few of those useless persons were discharged Possibly however the Secretary might not caro to do this pending tho Presidential election low Much Did I Con to Beat Butler Incidentally and episodically wo learn that throo of tho signers of the call for the bolt ers meeting In Massachusetts gave last year 30000 to detent Gov BUTLER but they wont give one cent to elect Mr BLAINE This is of course pretty bad for BLAINC but It BitgtretA very Interesting question quite apart from tho prospects of tho present canvass I In a scattering assemblage of dissatisfied Republicans three Individuals nut of fe Uepublcn olt a possible two thousand contributed 30000 prevent tho reelection of the best Governor Massachusetts has had In recent years bow many hundreds of thousands of dollars must the entire anttBuTLER campaign fund have amounted How was tho money of these fastidious patriots spent last year Was It exclusively applied to tho remuneration of brass bauds and ot transparency artists Tho public would like to know No doubt Gen BUTLFU has a tolerably accurate Idea toady At the State Convention of tho Michigan Democrats last week a resolution declaring that the Democracy of Michigan would enthusiastically bal the nomlniftlon of Gnovcu CLEVELAND for President of tho United States was Introduced discussed and finally laid upon the table The Associated Press deipatch reported that the resolution accurately reflected the preponderating lontlmout of the Contention Tho author of this resolution Mr WILLAHD STEARNI of Adrian Inform us that it TB simply Intended let Now York pooP Ie know thnt CLEVELAND would bo satisfactory Hud Ohio been pushing TuunsiAN says Mr STEABNH or Illinois PALMER or Indlnnn Mc DONALD or HOLMAX wo should undoubtedly have teen wllllnc to say tInt eaton of either IlltldBI Who Is JOHN KELLY for This Is th great political conundrum of the day Is he for llUTLrR I ho for BATAIID Each of thorn writes his name with a bit 0 but that Is the only point of resemblance between them This renders It dlfllcult for any politician to for them both At onco and besides Mr KELLY Isnt that sort of a man Thu license to Ho without limit was formally conceded to the Congresitanal lieenrd mnl Clgrtulonl Rlrd by the exclusion yesterday from Ibo Sundry Civil bill of the clause prohibiting the printing In the Jtfmrct of undelivered speeches Under thrive this nenitttre more than sanction evor the abuse will doubtless Tho handsomest newspaper portrait of ROBWELL 1 FLOWKH is that which appears In the nurtmoton Uatcknf And Fiowen Isnt avery handsome man either Feailvi Kxlriivucunce nt Vneklnitnii Fruits t55e 1 Tort riMrt The Senate IK bundling the pension arrears lrupIUol with lie rs ofon nu to Uuy van be I opiMifd by an iilllcUl eftliuiteuf the con of thu irolosuli IrtflMalfon Tin ommlMlonrruf Icniioni pae that the coil Kill te RttuMVM In view 01 th fact that the cot of the original Arrenre act line already been hie Ilium the eillinnte maje when II wa ia ts hOW eetlniatc is irot alilr not ina tars I The ojipnueiiii of the nro ltluu ait whir the muney I I I come rep and Ihoie who support It reply that therepre entatln of the loutS are unwllllni that Union YIn lhall nt anything out of the Triaaury The mull and deuierltt of the proportion sun to have been neglected The Treaiury will Hand IV Mr Xllchell taye Will the taxpayer itanil IK I the meaiue one that ought Injustice ta the whole people to hcm a Iaol Our ex litlne pemlon laws I are far mar Uh rel then any ertr enacted If any other nation What I to tie lBs gnat limit I The tendency of lestilallon leemi to be toward a law that will paoalon avery eurvlvuif Union Midler When inch a law ihall hare been we4 national bank raatcy will be new st Band as ss aUlD jirn OAIio BtleielM egardIs tk riHMeJ Kel te I rnlljr I his I Fttrnvr Chief WASDINOTOX Juno 2A cia ot Republicans who style themselves parfUld Republicans are cnnsiilououi A tb particular friend of Blaine on the around that he was the special friend of Oorneld whoso memoir it Is their peculiar duty to protect That Blaine should have the credit of having been Onrflolds friend In the tale Gsrllold Republicans represent Is an anomaly There has been no such delusion In the recollection of the present generation Blaine Instead of being tha tinsFlOsh snlfsacrl flclng friend of Garfield ha delight to be trumpeted had purpose which had thor developed would hava exposed him In another light Had Oarrleld lived the world would bays learned how true this WAS Tin relations of the two men admirably calculated to give play to flames stout powers of dissimulation and at the same time develop tho souse of to pendenn which was peculiar to Garflold flames proto od devotion to Garfield wan the measure ot his devotion to selfish schemes which ho carefully kurt out of light Apart from the sensation natural the shocking traaody of tho Garfield murder Blaine suffered a doep disappointment which ho kept to himself In Oardolda prolmbla death ha taw all his plans perish And still he clung to them ouna While Garfield wa lying In tho White HOURS the object of sympathy lltanilly worldwIde Blame was scheming Without waiting for the doath of finrflnld I that WIIA to the end of tho tniKedf or for life recovery I that was to 0 Blame duvlsod pita for seizing thn Presidential office by doVlarlnn Qarflolds Inability nnd bringing Oen Arthur to Washington run lbs Government with Blttlne tho Secretary of Stnte a tho master spirit Blame erroneously presumed that Arthur almost overwhelmed nn ha was known to bl by the clroiitnctnncoA attend Inl the tragedy would bo wllllnir to Cooperate In suoh an urrmiueimiut and vlrtunlly hide hlmsolf under thu protecting vingof the Secretary of State to whom this spirit of Oarllold would descend and who would personate tho dead President to the end of the term The Vice Presldnncs position would accord Ins Blames plnn satisfy the uncortuln ro qulremontii and Intentions nt this Constitution and that Will the r61o luilancd to Arthur Such 1 plan Ulnlno elaborated and cnu*tloosly unfolded to tho mombars of the Cublnut privately HU Intention In cnaa It win well received won to cal the Cabinet together and formally promulgate the Rcbomo and sot tho nuicliliio i In motion mlloo Secretary Hunt of tie Navy Department cave the plan his earnest endonom Secretary Lltiooln of tha War Department was at first fnvornbla but sub oQuolll on considering It withdrew ftoin It mid oppnxed it a did all the other maroborH of th CablnuL With tile failure of bin plan for perpetuating Garfield himself Blaiiw retired for a season to Maine and never saw him nliVH twain Blnlnag hopos of dominating Arthur and bis supplications to permitted to remain In tho Cabinet are known to whoever was coanlzantof the events of the than Ever sine then Blame has schemed for tho Presidential nomination 8 Ito would Imvo done had Garfleld lived The stage In the canvass ban not boon reached for showing to Onrfleld Republicans how ernnt Is their delusion In regarding Blalno Gnrllnlds friend nnd for that reason entitled to their love nnd earnest support Tlioro hns novur been time whon tho chapter In the Garfield period bearing on this question could with propriety written or when asufllclont motive for doing It existed Thoro are Rupnb Means whom tuatltlu of Garfleld Ilopubllcitns I would appropriately apply They It i understood will supply the missing chapter by showing what Elaine was about from tho moment ha entered Garflnldc Cabinet who were working with him anti for what purposes Garflrtld und his Administration were used Oarlelr Rnpubllcans will 0 made to understand how great Is their delusion as to Blalno MIISOUII inawciiAra AT SEA They Will Prntmbly 515 nn Valnilrncted llrlrctllau In rhleiifju ST LOrIS June TiThe Democratic State Convention to oict I dolisaten to the National Convention will usKemble in tills city tomorrow About all tho delegates have arrived This mootlne will bo In many respects memorable not only because it Is tho first Democratic Slate Convention hold In St Louis since the wir but bteaiiFo of the peculiar political olr c*mstancos gurroundlni It Tho County Conventions throughout tho odin Statu had instructed for TUlsa Since thou fllo has withdrawn leaving the delegation entirolynt dolllllon lnlrely lt sea There are tvo Important contests to come before foro Convention The first Is whether Coy Crlttonden should be flnotriil dilogatn nt large to Chicago There Is an intense desire to sit down on Ills administration but come learoclsts that In doing fr ho Democratic party may bile off Us own nose On the other hand thee feellnir IK I unUorsnl that tho Democracy cannot afford to remain renpon slblo for that administration and that its own safety rests In repudlutlnc I This question comes up first In oonnofltlon Ul with thn platform Thn next conoolon I I vill whether tlm dolHCatrA 10 Citleago should bo Instructed tutu If no lor whom 11 tynrd and rijvilHinl are tim only nanios niuntlonod ueldo from Tllden 1101010 Tho Contention will a short one It will moot nt A 31lnd Is expected to cut through by 4 SI 1 A enrvlul survey of the situation tonight incite to the conclusion dist an unlnBtruoted dnlecatlon to Chicago will be hmiClud hOICtur Thn ilHoRatci at large will probably bo Coy Crlttiimlen who hopen that Iht Vlen Prexldtintiiil lightning will strike him ant who fiivnni tlm winnlny until Dr Jlurford pro prlotorof the Kaiitai City IIIKM John OIiy Chairman 01 thn SLate lmoerittlo Committee and John lrl Kt or I Krancls us nuiro sentnthQ of the St Lul tomntnuriai Intoreets Aimlnit overnmrut Tclrzniph Ilnilnex WARHISOTON Juno 21 Rarely has session of Conirrc pevn 1 ninny lemotutranre In the hop of meniorfa HKAinit ftuv iiropocd letrliUllon boys pourtil la lurlnit the lost thrud montht from ctcry i iiar ter of the laml ntralnnt tie ennetntrnt of nunvurr re latlnir ba the telegraph ttut uitl luerenie the nit her of pnl ll ionirl nut crests Ooternincnt tpimpep nly Ties donmlfO rom by dozen nnd liunIret from twit abler town nil the way from iaetort to Broxnivllle and from Kov Weit In Seattle Th re lutist be thontanilf of them HlackeJ tip In the room of the committee to which JI hMO been referred Of courm I will be laid I that the telerraph etntlon em plnjcel hay brcnjiot work everywhero to prepare and circulate thMe petition If 10 they have dono their work thornuiriily Hut after all the employees In hamlets and nn 1 town nri coiintedhy tithe while iii signatures to Iho petitions ire In I scores and him tired They Include many wellknown name arid their argregaltt may be hy thli time atnoni the ten or him dredinf thmiant Nobody Im yet iUfMloneit In Con Unit the good sOb 0 anthentlcltr ct any of these mane nt petition a alnit the Uoveriimeutt embarking In the telegraph Uniinet A Monument IP Waiklneton Propoacd To TiE EDITOH or TUB SUK fin Permit me to suggest that your Journal olio editions should announce that you wilt receive ntid lie rerponiitile fir contribution for the i urf oie ot crcctliu ii lilniton I a iminuiuent of granite nr trip inIliiroI Lob the atrticlou political crime of mndrrii ihtipespli that Inn by fraud and lurruption hu I ailS perils 110 phaut In the jiMlllun nile humored by lVueiigtumi nod JeHireon IttioTTLnu We Uni Ilelleva will Vole far lllulntf To TiE EniToit or TIIK SUNSir Do you know whether Wnilie UcVeitili goIng In boll the lie lUlillcan iiQiiinmlon fur Irul lent I AcconlniK lo I ir sers disclose ot lat year iliiiVea had prnfouud dlillke for Plain havlnir rharacierUed him ae the molt doarou man In American politic II tint Bale Indlunn ewe from the KMUntllt txnornl The Hon Josiinh McDonald can carry Now York sister than elthvr flower or Cleveland Crr A Weetern Journalist He so Ohjtes cf sy palkr mm tin CAIcaaa Htwi The able editor of the Clntland Leadfr hu bean a eloot sufferer witS IntiUectttal caitmnoUt Tk Ilrveklyn I nat UlLce WunllnTO June 23Tue purchase of Ibo to urchlA sit for Ih Brooklo Yost urns ha becu coueunmetp by ht plnut 10 Mrlonn 10u eouullld pr CC sgrisd UPOQt Xo0 a XX BUKKMAlf OJf TBS IUKI Ha lh Me Oeenlnc WI4 I Hp aid kM a Peer Ovlnlee ef Party riatrems WAHIUHOTOX Juno 43 John Sherman earnest speech today killed the colossal pension amendment to the Mexican Pension bill The bill however wonld never bare become a law bad It passed tho Bonato with the arrear ale amendment as It would have ben vetoed bad I passed the House Iii Sherman spoke on Mr In allss Amendment to the Mexican Pension bill dating pensions of Union soldiers from the date of discharge or dlMblllty and extending to Oot 1 1681 the tme for filing application for arrears of pensions Mr Sherman said that this proposition was based on the motion of a Dingle Senator The Commissioner of ron slons had estimated that the proposition would Involve a payment of t210000000 and although I Mr Hhorman thought this estimate too high yut the amount would unquestionably very largo Hu risked whether this WAR a time so greatly enlarge the demand upon the Treasury ury Whoa the act of 1879 wits pod It wa a wl time of great plenty when the surplus tho Treasury was taut accumulating and the Trimsury was overllowlng That tuna wan nnt this time Our rnvunuas were now rapidly falling olT I great ohrlnkign of vnltms wits Kolng on nnd securities which In 1879 wro nut eunsldnred 1 good were nowlwllovod to bo worth I 110od tl 0 IMO At 1 time that no man can doubt to Im I onu nf Naverlty wore called on to pay out thsu enormous Hums The men amount would not dolor him If thorn was 1 Ingot juromiss to pay I 1 proml had bean timd by the United Hmtesto too Bol dlora that I would nay them from tho ditto of their discharge to title time In such CIO ho would Bay to the winos with all contldurntlons nf Aimirltv upnn the People Hut there wan no liuv and no moral ground for that argument to apply to ponnlonc arlumlnt Mr Shorman rovlnwcd the legislation of Con ares to show that tho limitation had always ben rcico*krpiz il In connection with claim for airier Ito OoMirnmcnt clon tho world could enditro If It Fhotild ntlatntit to pa worll 11 claims and arrcarB of oliluis arising out ol Its mU 18 fortttniK A ftoldlur who had fur twenty years relr waived his right to ni IslblQii hud noilucal or mon moral or a iltn lM right now to umbuti mm his QnVLirnmont Hnbnllovnd the ndoji tlon ol this amtmilinnnt would tmnn ninbarraHx Ing thine for tin pioplo would break down all 11 rtftrlctlnn on nil sorts of claims Mr Ingnlln called Mr Sherman it attention to thu fact that tlm Hopubliean platform of Ohio two elf ago and that the Republican Na tional Convention thl year ileolHMd for then thing which thin inqusuro embodied Yet MrJp hhormnn itclllxiralnly dIsavowed that dociarnt thou aOl daolarod that I was not binding upon the conscience nor upon thn political action of polUcul thoso who rout on tlm uuentlon Mr Sherman duprecstd thla Introduction of pirty iilntfnrme to guide Senator In thn nor iormancu of their sworn dutlns Whan ho ro tnnmb il that tha platform of the late itopub Ikan Convention hud buvn made up In 1 fur hours time on a sweltering day by forty two men suddenly called together most of whom navxrsaw each other buforo he did not think it hhnuld onllod aguldo lor Senators In tho DHrfornmncn of their public duty hr Ho thought It an extraordinary spectacle that It Rbould bu attomptod to make It a gutd 1111 Ha liud as much respect as anybody for tho opinion nf his anylQdy I was tho CnniTHt of the United Ktatns that umlor tho Constitution must prescribe tho laws for our country Our Democratic friends IIuld In ii sorry predicament I ha should prusiuit to them their party platforms for the last twenty years as a guIde for their action bore In fact they were In a sorry predicament prplcR ment anyway Jut Senator of the United Hiatus must hay some hotter guide than A ImMlly arranged party platform Mr InunllKs nmondmunt was voted down YPHH 0 nays Wi votel Various atnendmnnls were then offered by Mosr Harrison Vllnon and Mlt ltered nnd were ngre to Ont of Jlr Harrisons hfl nld mentH limited tho Mexican nnn lons tonoldlcre or sailors who 1 not actually tORolUlr nilld blt tli worn nt toast fourteen dayn In Mexico 1 or on ltd coaMxo as not to give pensions to mon who never hom*o Mr vllsona amendment provided that tho poreonn tn whom thu law shall apply must wither 62 years nf ago 11V or Mibject to name disability rncognlzeil Ile tho general pension laws of the United States It Unlld Is I tint boHHMir tn cover tha cases of men I nmv have ncmilred such dliablllty In lighting against the union dlabltv 111tnl Among Mr Mitchells amendments wee one ment Wil prnvldlim pensions for Invalid soldiers and sailors who had torn discharged from the army or navy after three months service In the war of the rebellion amid for the widows nnd Uepoodont Parents nf deceased pensioners This amendment wits adopted by 82 to 37 WUKCK OF THK MORNING arAB Tee Third Mleeluaarr Iiktp of tke Keeie Lei In Mlcrencelet BOSTOX Juno 23A private despatch ro folvod In this city by the American Board ot Commtsloncn of Foreign Missions dated Hone Kong Juno 21 announces the total loss of tho mlslonary brie Morning Star at Kusnle All on board nero saved nnd aro en roate to Ban Francisco by the steamer Oceania Tho Morning Star was vessel ot 181 tons built In East Boston in 1871 She was the third of hor name the first having boon launched about thirty years all When Morning Star Nn 3 woe wrecked she WAR In clmrgeof tim first inatA Cart Onrland had complHlod Ihl work of thnvovne and IRI nn the way ld Honolulu whim thn ivsscl wits lost IY Kualo I the iBlaiid nn which tho second Ih MornlnK Star wan wrecked In 1HG9 whun a virnni current drifted her ashore In calm I lie Morning Htnrwaa owned chiefly by the Sunday Dfliool children nf tho Congregational Church Thn moiinv to build each ono or these vnhsiiU was raised by giving 1 neatly prlntnd rtilU atontownorcliIp in Her to each child who rontrlbuted tWHntydvn fonts A mw vessel iHslcncil to takn Ibo place of lbs brig just wrucked II IlrIJ on tho itocUtt at Iril ila Sho Is arranged lor tlu uso nf auxiliary Htnam power for nafctv In ciilniH and clrrllls 1 wilt bo necessary liowcvur for IhO Uoird to chnrter vessel nt Honolulu tn attend to tho work of the present year In Micronesia The lout vassal was Insured BOO 31OH3IOX RECRUITS FlaxenIlulrrd flcuiidlitnvlune Bound West lo Ap nU i Tuylor Empire Twcntyllvu Mormon elders supervised tho landing of fiOO men women and children mostly towheaded from the uteamslilp Arizona yesterday and shipped them off to Utah In tim ttvnnlng the head man sail Wuvo boon nbrond two years doing missionary work Of the people that have coma with us 406 rim Scandinavians nnd tho rent are mwlmnlcH and far mm from England uo Intnl nnd Wnlps boom of them havu beer MnrmoiiH for thirty enii and hno tuft navnl UI enepigh tn come mor to Utah Hxvoral of thn yuttnu wnnion tonI youngmnn of the company and 1 the boy and girls with us are still HIM gle Tholl nvirry and be happy whon thoy got rut to Utah wlon Vlint inducomnnts did they got to co to Utah 1t lot 10 Not anv oxcjpt the promise of cerIum nlntlnn i We preached In them Hint flod talks illPLtlv I I with John Ttylor who Is I lirluhnin 11In sImeysopr tint hund ot the Church out has corn nit nuituL plural morris cue a ci Iron 111 salvatlnn through baptismal Immnriilnn nnd Imllef in the Lovil iSUR Cliridt Thnrn was no I promIse nf freo lands nr nn f10 luxuriant llfo Thon concerts will scatter I over Utah Tr rltnry tint siitthi down whnrnver limy son the chnncn They han gut from 13 to 150 ouch tie hard cash to start in with II Mr Falter Wont ho Iwp e4 Ctnn WASHINGTON Juno 23Tbo Secretary of the Treoourv hn rejected the nropoinl receIved for fiirnUh Ing Ice for the Treaiur Utartmeit on the cround that tile price are exceilve and of ouch A charncter aa lo lutlfr I the belief of A roinltlnntion amour the dealer lhr I hide I ri reeciurlons fnim thooient IUIc ompnny A 41 rnt rr I mi itnnnde nn Inn th nl Inili iicnftetu I Ire tliiiiimnv I I at 7 cvui aid inr from Riot A rn nt 4 cots IhvMareall I local teeter The Secretary has decided call for pronuiali from outiide dealer Key Nays ke Illdnt Mnjr Ie WA8HINOTON June 23Mr Colcrovn told tho FjiriiiKtr committee today that he had teen Judge Key shin Nntnrdu and Kry told biO that he had made a nilfttaKo In rvpmontlnir hint Ker fta aiintr that ho wn wllllutr ilroii lll star rnuio run UI Ion irKil 151 ilirlnrr I iiuw 1 thai oihtt I Ie did ra was that Kft Leiucd tuhliii that 0 hO Ir rolKriivroiuht In he mote lo my tack Hie I ininoy hud tuceived from the 110 crniheiii Mr kiirlnvcr promptly advlnil Mr Ker ot Coljfrovea rtraciii llcelproclly Trcntr wltk Coanda TOBOXTO June 2A special from Ottawa to lie 13riclpio Vdjj Je5 I It I reported hr that the Uinernment iiac arranirrd the term nf a rerlpriwltv treaty a ilh the United Male ii hlI will noon he nuu puUlic lh new tr mr It It Mid will follow the linn nf tlm former reciprocity trial aamlulnu tiaturnl producta lure and some atUcle In earlier Uf ee uf inanufuo An Awraavr First Politician see that Governor Clove land haapproved of the appointment of Hugh lardnir a a Coimnliiloncr of Aemente and that Uayor Kd aon ha worn him Into ufflce 55 Keecud Ur rolltlclau Vei he will make a Britclew Ae yirii Folltlclan How 01 what does he know about making Menm nta low Heooud rolltlclan real deal I Did jta aaeeaa the letter asirteri and Laborers tie cst OIBoa lb nor or 1 rLtimiea BllD Tke True Inwnrdieee ef Ik Usrta CenveelteB mm tht ilMnr 1 Tlmi Mr flowerS gftctal Ontn There Is BO much misconception and falsl faction In the column of matter In tho mornIng papers about the Democratic State Convention at Saratoga that a plain brief and truthful itntomcnt of tim whom affair will Ilnoment doubtless bo welcome to Intolllgont reader who tb wish to know thu facts ant comprehend The main thing rtcmontratsd by this Convention Is that tile Democracy of Now York are pot Yet united upon any candldaln for IIi Iwsfdeney and tnt the question will remain open for discussion until time soventrtwo dolo gates elected from this State shall como together gether and make their doclnlnn nt CblcDIIIIb Tint most extravagant claim aro raada br the Cleveland men for thn purpose of promoting the socalled boom for their favorite by making a false Imprasslon upon the Demo crate nf other State But the truth III I that only thirtytwo of the diileaatos can bo counted for ClDvnland and the rumalnln forty are against him Of hose forty the large majority mute for Flower 1 hut certain number are favor nblo to Unynrdor to snow other candidate from nnothor btiitc ntd It rnmaln to bo seen nt Chicago upon whom the majority of iho delegation will unlta so all 10 cast Iho whole see onlytwo votes of lie State of New York for snub ono c*ntildatn tInier tha tlmohnnnre unit ruin which wan ngnln unanimously anirmril hy the Hint ConvHiitlon In order to maintain and assort thin duo power of thu Km JIll Htato In hut National Coimntlon The lower men worn 118 tnrmincilas the Olsen laml men to firosirvo the unit rule nnd there was not single volt against it from the frlnms of nlllier candidate In the lioilyof tho Convention Duo Flower and tho Clonla forces wore so ovenly matched that neither sIde dared to offer a resolutIon of InMructlon for UK favorite bocauno thero win a third element whll teens etlll Inclined to bo linen that It willi bu wisest to tako the candidate from KOIIIO other Stain and wore therefore opposed to giving instructions for anybody nnd would undoiiht illy hino voted tigtti net nny such nlutlnn hud boon IntroduRttd The coiptillmontnry tcmottitlnn mlnptrd In respect to Joy Clovulunda htatn Adiululstratlon was thu uuiai pnrfiinutnry porfonnnuco of nn act of courtesy which nlgninud nothing in regard to the Iroslilentlnl question nnd was passed without dissent It Is nt even as complimentary tin nan thn resolution commendatory of Iruxldunt Arthur which trite unanimously adopted by the Honubllean Katlonal CuiiNon tlun that nomlnnlod Mr Illnlno In fact It woe not ituii straw that might nerve to show the direction of tie wind Tile proceodlng of thla Contention teem the work nf compromise throughout for tho Clnvo Innd alien found It necessary to maim ionc nlonsal marC point In order to prevent the strong ii nntlClnolfttnl foellnu lplrst Inc out Into I npun ant fierce nxprcnMon This evident from iidnilttlnu Tammany tn lncrous and equal ropresenlatloii from nllnwlnu the Flower men tn nnniii two of tlm dullgate nt huso from overruling the Btnto CommIttees action In thii Monrou county matter HO its to exclude the KalniH anil sept tho Purcell dolegatos and from making William Purcell himself one nf the two electors nt large Is any man no fool liii as to behlutis that these thlngA would have boon done had Gov Clevelands friend been In tile full control of HIM Convention which the Aram so absurdly claims Will any man be RO foolIsh at to bolluvn that this Cleveland men produnllnnted In a Convention whnro they did not venture to offer a resolution to Instruct the delcgitlnn to vote for him or even venture to nfter a resolution oipreesing a proleroiico for intoThe The Democrats of other States wIll not bo do cclvod nr misled by thin hasty find illconslilnrod stalomnnts of partisan nnuHpapur cnrrcspontl emits who color their reports tn order and strain everything and btnp at nothing mnkouintmrR seem as theIr employers wish thorn tn bit Nor will the brazen mendacity nf the Argiit impose upon tin uooliundtd nail judicious Democratic politicians who will review tho action nf Convention and judguof Its meaning by lu work If Mr Cleveland by nn active exertion of nil the power amid Lianlhshiments of tin Ooernor nfllcK shol Id win occur enough of the forty delo aateH who are now advnrso to lila nnmliiatinn tn glen him a majority of the delegation and thus sectirn tbn ptn ontutlon nt bin ORIOn nt Chicago umlor the unit ruin it would bu barren vlctnrvlfor th Democracy uf other States will bo cnnlticril by the mielforu nf this Situ Cnnvotitlnn thet ho Is not the liHiirty chnienof the party In tlilnRtato and that though tho indepenilent lleptibllcan i nifty profer him his nomination would be so dlstaitifttl to a large portion nf hU own party that hi cnnld not boll lit ntlu DumocrHtlo vote without which It would bn hnpnlesH tn at tempt to carry New York wpnlnst so fornilJaUo a lliuuibllcan eitfld chili ne Mr lilnlnn Thu contest which has btttm going on In this 1 State for months lias hen undecided In the hints Convention and is I now relegated to Chi cngn We ill not doubt that nil the fuclH will In carefully cimslderud attn nicely dnlermlnnd then nnn when the National Convention pouks every Democrat will abiilu by its decision for the unity ot the party in essential to success A flood Soldier1Noimil Ailrlcc From Srly I7en Ceo CroolCt AMrets at IFVH Folnt to the nralnattij Clan ff Ml Our Government unlike that of most foreign I nitlon It not paternal In this land tvn hate no tub feet all am eiiuallv free and all are citizens jon are not only eoHlere but cllizcne at well and aa inch are amenable tu the military code And alto tn the law ot the stats or Tcrrltorj Inuhlchlt tuny ho I jour IT line to stationed The Amerltnn citizen I rightly jenlou 5 of hi proud position nnJbrooXi no titterf retire so Itt hit rights Titer Is nn Innate dislike of Imjonet rule Ills your dutv to be prepnrf to act Intelllicently In such emergencies and the hole vuhjtct In nil Its urlou phaies rhould be I ntnilled with the utmon can slinuld he rcmeinl eretl tint alsos except when soil the clash nf arm Ihe tao uronlleut the ilvll law It I lurreme ou cannot therefore te tinorant of Its fundamental pnntliks without grave fault From the geographical position of our country it can hardly bo menaced a reign foe There 1 with us no need of armies to repress the tendency of the nge toward self government therefore In tlo future as In tip piiit the iirm Itllkely to be har 1l moore than a national police ncarcely rufflelent to wcaklvgarrlton our Bcatter frontier post In the Cast the snny has heel molnl occupied In protecting our rapidly advancing frontier from the attacks nf 1 hoitlU Indium It has beet the pioneer nf our civilization and has rendered poniiie the settlement of Western air plaint and lIt development of the vast resource of the fur West Isovv the Indian question Is I practically sotted we have no frontier and the unarmed emlcrint nmv mike hit home sit rear hit fealty Life from harm and without need of protection from savage foe lu any portion of our fair land landWith With nil hit fault and he ba many the American In I dlan It not half 10 black at hn hue heen pointed He I cruel In war acherout at timer and nut over cleanly But su were our forefathers Ill nature hrmoer I 5 renponslve to A treatment which assures him that It I bated upon Jostle truth Scent nnd common senna pIt is not ImpruiEhIe that wllh so fair ami inure pattern of dealln with htm the American Indian Mould make a better cltlzn Itian initny uho neclctt thus duties and 51IOC the I trio lleve of Hint proud title It to hniut is ill ho Ihe lot nf maiij of jcur iinmhr to serve wit hi or near the Indijti nn1 to siuh I sty that to much care cannot Id tikeu In vcur ililly ntiuclailou llhtlKm Makc them uo pnmiltesnhlchjoj ratinot fulnlt timke nu itatctiients ou cmiiitt terlf Vhen dincnltli arltc as HIM occntlonnlly will endeavor to be will Informed ot eli the clrciiiiitt nc of the cee that jour ucllon may be powerful and convincing hccaum juit and nnparilil Let the Imlliin tee that ou udmlnltier one law for both the white tkluned and the rtil sMnnfil HII lint VIMI iH tlii iii hut regard for ITJlif nr ceiniirf pith you a HI gain llU ciillllilenre Ire cntito von ii ore eliot mi vnnrnlf worthy of It Th reit vvlllbeeniv I Dont eipect too much at once and dont loo rournve or pnilehco on account of I ackrlidliig lie ihonld he I ciicouruciil to work and to Pare The man who op orb nut muses i toil leavlni taragery bout It him Yiiu will Plot ihat the Imllaii hue norlhtt which our leslie ar com tiled turcrpect The benerlt of lust a which prutuctllm white man are nut extended lo the Indian I Kven Ihe court ere closed to him and to ie cure him lumtnun jiutice and protict him from outrage will frcijuentl re iulre all your Intelligence courage and energy I cannot urge upon jou too ttrongly aenreful reflec lion upon the Ciin iltiillin and law of our oounlry I I dont mean that on commit tu memory and repent llko pirrois the atatuti and regulutln hut rather thnt you ililliieully Inquire lila olson nut dlgttt the great prlu tllilenunderljliignnr hutiliilio which lays built up 1 an eni Ire from the handful ot chilled and famine stricken fncltivis from civil and religion nppreitilon 5 ho landed un ri month Hock In WO and which hate made the tnlnd Slope an Peels of liberty and equality InAtletert 1 of tilt lime Intolerance an oafli townrd which turn Hie admlrWig apt friendly ejrt mlllloni of noble mills thrfitiirhout I the world You have been taught the element uf war hut do not forvel that your conttaltl thought mutt he Ihe prvrrvutlon of peace WltU peace muit come the general ptuiiperlly In which jou as individual ere lo shin pro ore not wnrrlur 10 much on ire TeUceiuieui guardiiik the ualiunul lercista iou IurcusierIty Xot Afraid or the Cleat In the hottest part of catonlay oftornnnn nn elderly farmer wearing A heavy vvual hat nnd with hit trousers legs tucked In hit boots halted one ot the bridge policemen and Inquired fay Wiurainuihs it hunt hirdiams island they hate BU muoh tu see about 5 The pulifeinsilpilntedout Bedloei Island and ask nl the farmer If he wetnt afraid being unaccnitometl tu I the cuts and It heal that he would he tnntiritek Not a mite laid the old fiiniHr A man Hiatvvai let tostov ii aiviiy top up la the gslle vnheiihe win nine ear old wonl Cut sm ttritck every time It thaws gVXBKIMS The Earl ot Llohflold ban Joined the Him Ribbon army till ion nd dsughter art attached te Lord Linidnwnti houteBold In Canada In 1881 tln value of the export and Im pom of London wai oon000i In IM3 antnuoaun Liverpool In MI IM000000 In ISM 3X1tInXA Lord Walter Campbell li no longer tin lonely lord of Ihe London CloCk Exchange Lord Mandifllles brolhir Lord Chester Montafut hat Joined him In tho eighteenth century tho growth ot potmlationln Denmark wai to snail at to hi teirctly noticeable During the prttent century the population has Increased from tne million to nearly two The oxQueoo and King ot Naples who have been In wretched clreamitancei ilnce they wire driven from their klngdoin are now reilored lo es Ilnce by the death of the Vnwagir Emprest of Auitrla who has bequeathed to them a fortune of 0000000 Mr Antldbui who was for a long time attached to the Brltlih Legation at Washington II now one of Ihtfathtrtof the Drnmptom Oratory tod acUd AI tub deacon At the High Mail to celebrate the ftitlval of St Philip Kerl their founder al which Cardinal Manning and other lights of the cnnreh were present The finest house In Dublin Is that ot Mr Edward Uulnneis who la head partner In the limit brewery mid brother of Lord Ardlltun It cover the ground ot three lane house on Stephen Greta Tht rooms art CroWded not lo lay overcrowded with spltn did furniture and work of itt Mr and Mn Oulnntit entertain iplendldly Robert Crowning Is being painted by his ton In all Iht dory of lute scarlet Oxford dootnrlal gown for Balllol College of which he la an honorary fellow lit sIts In an od carved Italian chair and on the wait Is represented A plectot taptitry bearing the arms ot the Medici which now hangs In the poets drawing room Yhe pIcture li half length of life size The Empress Eugdnlo Is now busy on the book she has had In mind If only rarely In hand sloe the death ot the frlnce Imperial and arrangement art already being made for the publication of bar Me inolres which will be produced simultaneously In England and France The book It being done Into Engllih under the lupervlslon of lady ot the highest rank to whom the Empress Is I much attached At the battle of El 1 Tub Baker Pasha was struck on the right check just below the eye by A ball which hurled itself In the upper Jaw The mlsallt which was of Iron wee afterward removed and wee found to weigh three ouncen but deipltt tht severity of the wound which It made the General kept bit ttat until Ion of Shoed compelled him to retire A recent operation lu England brought lo light the terrible nature of the injury but the patient la I recovering The professors of the University of Jena who have been Investigating the effect of tobacco upon the human system report that moderate quantities ot the weed maybe used without Inturlout effects They say that In the German army soldiers In active icrvtct are very properly furnished with smoking tobacco because smoking tnablei them to endure severer fatigue upon incIter nutrition and with greater alacrity and confidence than outS otherwise be the case Jlr Charles Russell who since the retirement of llepjamln hat made perhaps the cruet Income at the English bar received last year 73nnO Fir Gull who tope the physician made CJOooo Mr Mlllala shoUted canvas to A llkt flgurti Archer the jockey made Si3POO Tennyson receives f35 a line Oulda fAOOOanovelt but In the Tao for wealth Blame the dramatist of In the flank A rank piece of stuff can look with contempt on his baffled pursuers baring unite last year IHOOUU Sir John Willoughby the young conqueror of the turf a few days before the Derby went Into a hairdresser In Bond street to be Improved With the exuberant verbosity which belongs to tht craft the operator began to talk about the Derby and asked Sir John If he was going down The owner of Harvester 4 ant Queen Adelaide laid he wan thinking about It whereon the man of art said If you do sir dont back III lr John ttllloughbya horses He waa In here inS told me confidentially I her had not chance Vulplan the Paris doctor had a patient tome time ago whowaaaRllctod with that form ot aphasia In which speaking IB Impossible though the Individual It Able to sing without difficulty The doctor utilized the singing power hy teaching title patient and I thoie who followed him to Hog whatever they wished I to lay without confining themselves to the words of the air At a coiucquence tho hotultal hat become musical with the nOte of opera bouffe and the Marseillaise la I which the patients ask for everything they dcelre A diver engaged In diving operations off I the coast opposite Gibraltar under Apea Hill with the object of Ascertaining the whereabout of a recent wreck has discovered at the bottom from eighty to em hundred large gum mostly 34 and S3 pounders and alsc two large anchors They are supposed to hare belonged to sonic large line of battle ship which sank tn the old war possibly after the battle of Trafalgar At there wal no apparatus for the purpost none of the gunawere brought up to that bat not been possible to ascertain 4 their nationality As You Like It played In the breezy open air Instead of a stuffy theatre against a background of lvan glades Illumined by the shifting sunlight Instead ot the glare of gas with an orchestra hidden In a natural mossy hollow has heen the last in 4 splration of art coming to the aid of charity Thll Idyllic entertainment took place at Coombe Park the property of the Duke ot Cambridge The certain was hung on the branches of two great tree lady Archibald Campbell who played Orlando WAS the ruling spirit and did tht wretlllng with great grure and spirit 1 No two men could ho In greater contrast I than Ihe two 1celt In the House of Commons Ik I Speaker nnd Sir Hubert The one appear sombre fjj uantic A model of propriety und decorum white thtyrii other Ins the air of itowery tragedian who had lived fit nnd furious aid with a mind to vagabond AS to ha hevond all rules of restraint The other day his brothei pulled him up AS being oat of order when he turned on him scarlet with rage at A rebuke from a younger brother And looking fierce defiance In A voice broken with paMion said I I know tthit 1 am abont He then deliberately repeated the offtnce The youngei brother did not prolong the scene Thorn was time not long afro when the rltiant liellvitept wlihgnated hands In old glotei nnc hydny ket them carefully hidden from tho sun as a fashion writer puts It ltlu miuhroonis growing white In A cellar to that they might look and fl AS though they had never come In contort with anything roughci than autlit Ills wholly ilHTerein now AthletIc sports are In high Approval The daughter of wealth grails oars tennis bats bridle rein and tricycle hntidlo bar all without glotei And she II proud ot the fallout paints which entne owl the red memo of the knticklet thnl I edto be the hue ot the hip Her liking for otttdro I xrciee hiss not It taken her Into the bate bill Held where her fingers might get permanently disfigured by breakage and so the hands are not becoming distorted though they will never acralii be quite at small and eofi as thcv were Tim popularity of menageries has nl coy been irrat yet they were formerly the luxury of prince In Russia for Instance 150 years ago the grand i mcnagcrlea ntSt IMeribiir wire kept solely for Hu I court Many nf the anlmalt were caught alive tu he iivd at the hunting frstlvltlee of the Imperial court The Empress Anna tvanutna woe passionately fmid hunting Otto kept 310honndt and wa A capital ahnt On one occasion Aug Dl 1740 sIte killed 1 wolf 4 wllf boarsustufi I laturktyt 374 rahMti 04 ducks aud sty eral large herons a inaznincrnt bag even for an cm prexs The numerune elephants In her menagerie wire cxpenlta pet for they were fed 1 on snrar butter Hheatcn rionr vvlne und tilt One of them required A large dally portion of hrandy and the keeper were tent to Mhrrln If a tingle Kill mute abstracted from the elephant portion Fresh from journey of 4000 miles In mule nu and ox wgjon up nnd dunn the mutt dl I Itirbed uliPrlchs tip 1011111 Africa with the exception ot Zuluund the Itev Wardliw Thompson the Ira etiloC hccrelarv of the London Jlliilonary Society report that In iI hue hriha ot South Africa bad hrandy It this greatest curie ot the native The brandy keg duel far more harm than the powder barrel In North Hechiiana land brandy hat been kept out hitherto vlth rontldera hie tuvcrt and In tiaiutolaid In the old time Ihe lm port uf brandf wa forbidden Klnce the laps Datum war liquor hat been Inrtoduced freely As a result halt Ihe chief In liaintnland are dlpiomanlao They drink morning noon and night and man of their absurd AC tlout are Attributable tiot to the Inherent folly of the Ilnnuto nature but to tht balelnl Influence of the whir1 inaie bet crate In the province of CaUnla Sicily tin feillvulof Ran Killppo the patron saint of Calatahlano Icelebrated In A ttrang ly sitnerttllloiit ininner Tin Ignorant population of that dlitrlct belline that hut Ullppu ha the power nf 1 respirIng to health all Ihoi slhhucftul with epliel hytterlri iniinlt or other floP vnu mnlmllctlii sPirit that Ihu I Inmc i itliHi of Its salm IS I uinclenl to cnit out the evil spirit i On this da nf the fetl al mcli arillcled lreoiis i from all the iountr around are brouht hy tlinlr relation Pit he cured tusPaip laneouilv nt the church of Ualatatilnnn On arrnln they are sound by robust pia ant who alleuiit make then kin the lmieoft nlnt and try Viva Mont Illlppo Hume us inljlit be expcilvl are tur stutliul to obey others struggle furiouil In Ihe halide i their capture otto then resort lo the inoet I mtnire uieanl 1 of compnUlon tearing off their clothe pulling their hair and eleu blllng them continuing hue torture throughout the day uulll the tlcllmi pronounce the acrnmental word Till being accoiiipll hed the unfortunate linollilt an again conilgiud to their reich on who take them home llh Iran of joy onl tn be bitter lyualeceltid ly tliullnz them lateronnnrtmhiti ie fore Thli year the tame icene was reiatcd hul wee seat put a Hop lo by a police cimilable who In Iht name of the law arrested all those who refused Ii it Bonnet tat barbarous oiuttm.

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.