Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (2024)

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Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (1)

Lot #0081: Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade

Current Bid $9.00
Time Remaining: 3 days, 12 hours, 51 minutes
Extended Bidding: i
Bidding Ends: Tue, Jun 185:51:00 pm PT
High Bidder: ROCKPATCH
Bid Increment: $1.00
Starting Bid: $5.00
Item Location: 3940 12th Ave SE #2A, Lacey , WA 98503
Item has been viewed 40 times.


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  • Bid History (5 bids)

Appears to be functioning as intended.

Bid Date Bid Amount Bidder
Jun 14, 2024 - 7:00:32 PM $9.00 iROCKPATCH
Jun 14, 2024 - 7:00:32 PM $8.00 ikurtzr
Jun 13, 2024 - 9:17:29 AM $7.00 iROCKPATCH
Jun 12, 2024 - 7:35:04 PM $6.00 iIwon
Jun 12, 2024 - 7:21:42 PM $5.00 ijackmove

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  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (7)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (8)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (9)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (10)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (11)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (12)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (13)
  • Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (14)

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Vintage Brass 27" Table Lamp w/Milk Glass Shade (2024)


How can you tell if a brass lamp is vintage? ›

If the metal is shiny, the glass is pristine, and the lamp generally looks newer overall, it might be a reproduction. Vintage lamps will show typical signs of aging, such as patina on the metal, discoloration, or cracks in the glass.

How do you date a vintage lamp? ›

As with many types of antiques, vintage lamps are likely to have a date stamp or maker's mark somewhere. Typically, these marks are on the base of the lamp, but sometimes there are also stickers on the light fixing itself that will include a name or date or manufacturer.

How can you tell if a lamp is bronze or brass? ›

Brass is lighter in colour, with more yellow and gold shades in it. Bronze has warmer, reddish hues than brass, giving it that traditional and welcoming feel.

Are antique lamps worth anything? ›

Antique lamps are more valuable because they are rare, and they possess a unique charm that modern lamps do not have. However, this is not always the case. Some modern lamps can be valuable if they are rare or made by renowned designers.

Is vintage brass worth anything? ›

Early metalwork, especially brassware, is quite rare so usually if your item dates back further than the 19th century, the higher the probability is of it possessing great value. Due to the mass production and thus high availability of metalware in the 19th century, this era is typically seen as less collectible.

What does vintage brass look like? ›

The finish of antique brass appears aged and has a typically rich brown tone with golden undertones. This executive finish is not flashy. The subtleness of the finish makes it well suited to the decor of most homes, but is mostly suited to vintage and period style properties.

What are the famous vintage lamp makers? ›

Particular designers and makers to look out for are Pairpoint, Tiffany, Duffner, or Fulper. Markings for Bigelow and Kinnard, Bradley and Hubbard, Stickley, Gorham, Wilkinson and Jefferson lamps also have high value.

What is considered a vintage lamp? ›

Understanding the Definition of 'Vintage'

'Vintage' floor lamps are items that show the style of a certain period, usually between 20 to 99 years old. These items represent the skill and style of their era, not just old objects but valued parts of history and art.

How do I find the model number of my lamp? ›

The answer / solution to the problem / question documented in this article. To locate the the serial number of the lamp to determine the age or type of lamp, you will have to physically remove the lamp from the lamp housing module. Etched on the lamp is type and serial number.

How can you tell if brass is antique? ›

Check for Maker's Marks: thoroughly check your brass item to search for a Maker's Mark. This mark shows the piece is authentic antique brass and identifies where and when they made it. Check on the bottom or back of your brass antiques – they may appear as a collection of numbers, letters, or symbols.

How to check original brass? ›

Solid brass is not magnetic. If the magnet sticks, the item is usually steel or cast iron, with a brass plating. If the magnet does not stick, you can test further by scratching a hidden area with a sharp tool. If you see a shiny yellow scratch, the item is likely solid brass.

Which is more valuable, brass or bronze? ›

Bronze is generally more expensive than brass. The price difference can be attributed to the composition of the alloys. While both brass and bronze are copper-based alloys, bronze contains additional metals such as tin, aluminium, or silicon, which are relatively costlier than zinc used in brass.

Should I clean an antique brass lamp? ›

Antique brass looks at its best when polished regularly and this should be done by hand. Using a commercial, specialist brass polish which should be applied with cotton wool, work the polish gently into the surface of the piece before removing with a soft, yellow duster.

How old does a lamp have to be to be considered antique? ›

Antiques are items which must be at least 100 years old. That means, as of the date of this posting, an antique item was made on or before April of 1918.

What makes a lamp valuable? ›

Rarity: If the lamp is rare — one of a small number in existence or a design not seen on other lamps of the same type — it will have a higher value. Aesthetics: A visually stunning lamp usually has precise individual elements that work together seamlessly for a well-balanced look.

What is the difference between old brass and antique brass? ›

What is the difference between brass and antique brass? Brass in an alloy (a combination) of copper and zinc. The natural finish of polished brass is shiny, bright, and gold. Antique brass, on the other hand, is made to appear old or “antiqued” with a darker, low-luster finish.

What colour is antique brass? ›

Antique Brass has a rich dark brown colour with a slight golden tint and visible brush marks in the surface. Antique Brass is an applied finish used to give brass items an aged, tarnished look.

How can you tell if bronze is brass or antique? ›

Look for yellow-colored metal to determine if it's brass.

It also looks much more yellow than bronze. If the metal piece wasn't very tarnished, this might mean it's brass.

Should I clean a vintage brass lamp? ›

Should you polish antique brass? As this depends on the finish you prefer your brass to have, it is always better to leave the item in its untouched state when buying or selling.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.